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  1. ChocoTaco

    Tribes 2 Discord

    Invite link: Featuring: Tribes 2 content Discussion Demos Server Query Bot Pug Bot Voice Chat Other Tribes2 Resources ...Much more Website - Config - Textures - Server - [url=]Git
  2. ChocoTaco

    I am Veteran 2/15/2018

    Throw a party?
  3. ChocoTaco

    Is earf really banned?

  4. ChocoTaco

    Star was shit and earth is retard powerhungry autistic magalomaniac

    So, earth. Went out of way to defame me I thought I'd return the favor. Earth is a megalomaniac. He's power hungry. He cannot allow others to thrive without his intervention. He sucks at the game, he sucks at leadership and is held responsible by many for ruining the game and being apart of the...
  5. ChocoTaco

    Smackdown in TribesTown PUG 8/24

    Smackdown in Tribestown happening Tomorrow at 8pm EST on SNAP LAK Server. Midair guys are coming over to Tribes2 to play a few games and warm up for the Closed Beta Release of Midair. Should be a good time. If you need a copy of the game preconfigured check out my Tribes 2...
  6. ChocoTaco

    Tribes 2 Config

    [Config] Tribes 2 Config for New Players This software is distributed as freeware and comes 'as is'. This is basically a clean install with essential mappacks and scripts. Interpolate is installed. Preconfigured. Net prefs are set 450, 32, 32 and other clientprefs settings. Basically anyone...
  7. ChocoTaco

    All knowing Google...

    All your info are belong to us
  8. ChocoTaco

    T2Forums Downtime thread

    No doubt we broke the site over heated debate with the local retard.
  9. ChocoTaco

    Some Textures for Tribe2

    TacoFusor some flatter huds i've been working on to try and emulate this Flathuds In Zip Form: 512 Inferno Storm Textures (Female/Bioderm included) Alternate Lava Death Textures Plasma Rework MPB Rims More Info here