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  1. C

    That's Vaginal

  2. C

    FireFox 5.0 Released

    Firefox 5.0 has released today to the public. Its a pretty nice update with the new "Awesome Bar" and App Tabs. Here is where all of the new features are listed. Mozilla Firefox Web Browser The easiest way to upgrade is a delta update by going to the about panel for firefox and it will...
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    [Samuel L Jackson] Go The Fuck To Sleep

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    [Photos] Get my photography into an exhibition

    This is a bit of a cross post from the Photography Show and Tell thread but its more than just my photography. I submitted some of my photography to raise awareness to those that live below the poverty line. The best photos will be selected to show in an exhibition to raise awareness of this...
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    Amazon Cloud Player

    I uploaded some music to it this morning and it works pretty damn well. Best of all you can get 20GB free for a year if you buy one album on Amazon and put it on your cloud drive.
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    FireFox 4.0 Released

    So FireFox showed up on Mozilla's website a day early today. I updated and I have to say its damn quick. The interface is also very similar to Google Chrome. Here is what is new with FireFox 4 Here are download links for Windows and Mac FireFox 4 - Windows FireFox 4 - Mac FireFox 4 - Linux
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    [Photography] Show and Tell Spring 2011 Edition

    Hey its spring and its time to start a new photography thread. I dont have anything new to show yet so guys hop in and show off some new stuff. GO GO GO! Edit: photo The Noodle Maker by corey.wagehoft, on Flickr
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    Another reason why Apple is a great company

    So I received a new custom order MacBook Pro the 1st of this month and I was a bit bummed when I saw the rumors start a week later about the new one that was released today. I called Apple today and they agreed to return mine outside of their 14 day return policy so that I could order the new...
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    Ready to have your mind blown?

    Just finished watching this documentary I found and I have to say.... w h a t t h e f u c k... 5nyZR4Ya4oI W5k1g2enERg tYGPp3vvhDA bBKnPmi4f5c More or less.. Measurement of objects is only perceived after we look at them and that measurement can very widely depending on our...
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    WikiLeaks Dropped a Bombshell Today

    Looks like WikiLeaks still really wants to fuck up global diplomacy this Friday. They released a cable marked Secret just this morning. This is some serious stuff..
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    [Photography] Show and Tell Winter '10-11 Edition

    Seasons are changing so its time for a fresh thread. So lets see the photos you guys have been working on. I don't have anything brand new so here are some old winter photos from a few years ago.. Boneyard Creek In Winter by corey.wagehoft, on Flickr Snowy Trail by corey.wagehoft, on...
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    [iPhone] iOS 4.1 Jailbreak How-To

    Ok guys sorry for the long delay but I like to wait for the more reliable and safer jailbreak tools. The tool I am talking about is the amazing PwnageTool because it cooks the firmware with the jailbreak built in while preserving the baseband (for those of you that use carrier unlocks and to...
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    Sunday Funday L4D2 style..

    Ok its Sunday and I think we need a nice relaxing day full of some gruesome zombie killing.. so lets get in some games and fuck shit up. friend me on Steam if you are not in the Tribalwar group.. I will be in game some join in or we will group up for some games. Steam name is CosmicBlend.
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    [Photography] Show and Tell Fall '10 Edition

    The summer thread was getting pretty big and today happens to be Autumnal Equinox so I figured lets get our fall pictures out that we are taking.. Depending on where you are it still looks like summer, and to get the thread moving post 3-5 of your favorite photos from this summer. City Life...
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    Great videos from Vimeo

    In spirit of TW now allowing video embedding from Vimeo.. post some great videos from Vimeo. Here are a few to start: 3551875 5606758 7151244
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    iPhone 4 Jailbreak is out

    The jailbreak for the iPhone 4 has been released today... and the carrier unlock will be released in the next few days. Best thing about this jailbreak is you do it in the Safari browser.. no tethering required! point your iphone browser to and slide to jailbreak...
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    [Photography] Show and Tell Summer '10 Edition

    Ok time for another photography show and tell thread.. I figured instead of just a specific month lets have an ongoing thread for the summer.. Post any photos from June-August.. Try to keep them to 5 photos OR LESS per post. Multiply By Six Different Beliefs Chicago Bucket Boys
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    Goddamn Vuvuzela

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    Gravity Wins

    First we were like... Then gravity joined the party..
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    [World Cup] Somali Pirate Make Off With Stadium

    Somali Pirates Make Off With Moses Mabhida Stadium Thank to Somali pirates for getting rid of the vuvuzelas...