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  1. Z

    Credentials please..

    Administration Releases Strategy to Protect Online Consumers and Support Innovation and Fact Sheet on National Strategy for Trusted Indentities in Cyberspace Yeah this won't become mandatory at all if businesses accept it. :lies:
  2. Z

    Vermont moves closer to universal health care ‎

    Vt. House passes single-payer health care bill - Hope this passes the Senate, really interested in seeing how they implement it as well as the costs and whether the Federal government steps in and cries "Interstate Commerce".
  3. Z

    Tea Party fail

    So much for cutting spending as their mantra. The county is one of the most heavily taxed in the nation, the richest in the state and this Tea Party loser couldn't balance the budget. I hope they null all the labor contracts and knee cap the unions. But what they will do is what Nassau does...
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    Secret papers reveal slow death of Middle East peace process

    Secret papers reveal slow death of Middle East peace process Apologists in 3..2.. :lies:
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    Obama warns Chinese counterpart, President Hu Jintao..

    Breakthrough after U.S. warns China on North Korea Gunboat Diplomacy alive and well. :flag:
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    It's officially Presidential Campaign Time yey!

    Obama to Close Political Office and Start 2012 Campaign A whole year of endless political threads, yeah baby! :flag:
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    They took our jobs sho 'nuff!

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    Patriot Act up for renewal

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    GOP to vote on symbolic gesture of repeal

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    Intel Insider technology

    Intel's upcoming Core chips to secure streaming movies - Computerworld Mmmmm DRM goodiness :closet:
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    Do you have enough imagination to believe in god?

    Double post, fuck..!
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    'Christian Conservative' Should Replace Jewish Speaker, Some Texas Pols Say

    'Christian Conservative' Should Replace Jewish Speaker, Some Texas Pols Say - :picard2:
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    Oh the irony

    U.S. to Host World Press Freedom Day in 2011 :rofl:
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    Time for U.N. sanctions

    U.S. Ends Push to Renew Israeli Freeze on Settlements Israel won't even freeze for 90 days? Fuck them, time to whip out the stick.
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    Vote for Times person of the year.

    Julian Assange - Who Will Be TIME's 2010 Person of the Year? - TIME Of course your vote means nothing but you should be used to that anyway. :kiss:
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    Efficient Wealth redistribution?

    Free Money for All Cut all welfare programs including social security and government subsidies in exchange for just cutting everyone in America a check, including billionaires? :deal:
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    Comcast fires the first salvo in the Net Neutrality War

    Press Release - Level 3 Communications :popcorn:
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    Radio, RIAA: mandatory FM radio in cell phones is the future

    Radio, RIAA: mandatory FM radio in cell phones is the future The bullshit excuse Congress will give is for emergency broadcasting. The real excuse is to fuck you up the ass as usual. Corporatism rocks.