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  1. S

    Does anyone feel led to pay my mortgage?

    Oh, hello. So there's this chick who I've known for a while. She plays music too. A year or so ago she became "born again". We're facebook friends. For the last few months, I've been entertained, astounded and disgusted with her posts. She is always asking for money and stuff under the...
  2. S

    [Horror Movies]They don't usually bug me... this one does.

    I stumbled upon this earlier today, and I'm still bothered. I love horror movies, especially sci-fi horror, and weird fucked up stuff. I'm not gonna see this. Reading about it and seeing the trailer and pics was enough. :( It's called the Human Centipede...
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    [I AM THE LAW]Serving on the grand jury

    Tomorrow is the end of my first week on a grand jury. It's been fascinating to both see how the system works, and to see how strangers interact when thrown together with a common goal. You hear some heavy, heavy stuff. Anyone else ever served?
  4. S

    [Donkey Punch] It's what's for lunch.

    So there's a new deli downtown, right outside the front doors of my building. The owners are a couple late 20s early 30s guys. Last week when they opened we got a menu. They have some cutesy sandwich names. The fluffy, the Jessica Simpson, the donkey punch... wait, wha'??? Donkey punch...
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    [Deus Ex] How many times

    have you played it? I'm playing it right now. It's my fourth time, and someone's gotta be able to do better than 4. So how many times have you played it?
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    [Help] Crazy dream stuff

    I'm writing another concept album. The story the songs will tell deals with dreams and crazy sci-fi experiments. So - should you feel so inclined, please post dream/crazy evil experiment people words or images or whatever here. Inspire me. Much thanks, Sass
  7. S

    So sad

    A girl died in a Christmas play at a mega church here. She fell from some kind of harness, into an audience of around 2,000. :( I wonder what the investigation i will bring. I feel so bad for her friends and family and everyone involved with the production. A 'heart-wrenching' fall |...
  8. S

    [MONEY]What to do...

    Say your grandmother bought stock for you when you were a baby. Over the years you got some dividend checks, but then after college you moved around some and they didn't get your new address. Then you were irresponsible and basically forgot about this stock for 10 years. When they track you...
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    Everyone here has seen this, right? (audio NWS, for some workplaces at least...) O1j8i6z_Jgs
  10. S

    [Hiking]Question, and Ooo, OOOO!! Got a new pack.

    Hi. So old_skul and I hike every weekend. On Saturday I graduated to my first serious backpack. I'd been hiking with a roomy camelbak pack, carrying about 12 lbs. But things were getting cramped and it was time to move on and up. SO. I now have an awesome pack that I love. It's a Gregory...
  11. S

    [The 80s]Pegged jeans/tight rolling/omfg

    So it seems that this fabulous 80s style is threatening a comeback... I ask you - would you succumb to this trend should it actually come to pass? I daresay, it's worse than the ultra lame-o popped collar.
  12. S

    [Strippers]Old_skul is with one right now.

    He's at a bachelor party. How often are strippers at bachelor parties the type that engage in sexual acts and even intercourse? Because she said she needed condoms and lube... um... hm.
  13. S

    [Marriage] It's great!

    So, there are indeed lots of threads that happen as a result of troubles in a marriage. I thought I'd add a little positivity to the subject here. I love my marriage, and here are some musings on things I think contribute to it's goodness. If one of us is bothered by something the other does...
  14. S

    [Sex]Abstinence Only!!!!

    Abstinence only "sex education" is bullshit. Have you seen some of the textbooks and the crap false information they spew? It also places almost full responsibility on girls to tame the wild beast that is a young man's sex drive... they act like women don't want sex and have no drive...
  15. S

    [FLU]OMFG I thought I would die.

    Who's had the flu this season? I've been lucky over the past years and not been stricken. Not so lucky this year. Yesterday my temperature reached 103.5, and I was near delirious with fever. It was horrible. My wonderful husband came home early from work to take care of me it was that bad...
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    [PICS] We love the new Tom Cruise Book

    Really. We're both smiling about it.
  17. S

    [True Story]GIRL DRAMA

    This story is 100 % true. Bullet pointed for your reading ease. -guy 39 (our friend) starts seeing girl, 22 - girl does porn, but thinks she's doing art (it's funny, and she' s stupid) Hot body, butterface. -girl is crazy in the beginning, makes comments about spending the rest of her life...
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    [BRACKETS]The Greatest Music Video Ever

    *with bonus camel toe! Wffwg7pA0t8
  19. S

    [WTF]Have I been victimized???

    TW - I had the oddest experience of my life to date today. Do you think I'm the victim of a massive pratical joke, or is this shit for real??? So... At work we have this client who has been a client for years, many years. He's very demanding, and never really nice... he's difficult in that he...
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    [MONEY]I've always sucked, but I aim to be good

    with it. I want to be financially smart, but I don't even know where to begin. Can anyone break down the basics of personal finance/budgeting? Seriously.