Search results

  1. R

    [WTF iPod] Why does the ipod split up the same album with multiple artists?

    So for a year, I've been using a cheap $10 mp3 player that just died on me. Prior to that, I used a Creative Zen, but I finally gave in and gave the ipod a chance. So I load up the music. Suddenly, one album that has many artists shows up in the album list as multiple albums, which is dumb. Say...
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    Youtube's new logo is annoying

    What the hell is this about? It's distracting from watching the actual video.
  3. R

    Agh, where can I watch the Office finale online?

    Not on hulu, google won't help, I searched TW and looked through a couple pages. Help.
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    How do you stop looking for something?

    Serious, though possibly nyquil-induced question. I'm sure we've all heard or know by now that when something is lost, you can only find it by not looking for it. You can search everywhere and won't find it and when you finally stop looking, then you find it. My question is this - how do you...
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    [HIMYM] Disappointing and not very funny episode

    Or does no one here watch this show?
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    Being sick sucks

    I hate being sick on Fridays.
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    Halp! I locked myself out of my HTC Touch!

    Yeah, I'm retarded. My password when I set it was 1122, but that doesn't work. Activesync won't let me transfer the data over either. Please help me unlock the phone or at least back up my contacts. Thanks.
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    [TW Legal People]Need Some Advice

    Okay, so I don't know anyone irl I could ask this stuff to, so I figure I'd bring it here where there are experts (hopefully). Here's a low-down on my story. I need to know what to do. I was in Las Vegas over the September 12th weekend. That Saturday (Sept 13th), I was at the Venetian Hotel as...
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    [Beating Women]How can she slap?!

    Dzn8f5C9Rnc Search turned nothing. More importantly, how is it okay for a woman to raise a hand on a guy, but suddenly, it's horrible when that favour is returned?
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    [Football]Who the hell is Domenik Hixon?

    So I just came back from work and turned on the Browns-Giants preseason game and I'm looking at the stat lines: Receiving: Domenik Hixon 4 for 63, 2 TD Kick Returns: Domenik Hixon 1 for 81, 1 TD I don't know who the hell this guy is, but damn, those are some impressive stats, especially since...
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    Five best looking NFL QBs

    Everyone knows the QB is the star of the team. Everyone grows up wanting to be like their favourite quarterback and the top QB is a celebrity. Of course, now, QBs are part time celebrities and models in addition to their regular job as a football player. With that, let's discuss the five best...
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    The viral marketing campaign behind Dark Knight

    Yeah, so I'm sure it's ofn, but I think it's awesome. I heard a little about this prior to the movie and I saw part of the filming while I was in Chicago, but I just saw the movie last night (obviously loved it) knowing very little about the whole Batman universe (not too much into comics)...
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    I hate bicyclists on the road

    Damnit, I hate them. Yeah, I know it's environmentally better and "share the road" and all that nonsense. I don't care - bicyclists on the road are obnoxious douchebags. Imagine being on a road that has a 45 mph speed limit and getting stuck behind a bike going at 10. It's frustrating. It gets...
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    Your most awkward moment while hooking up

    Share your stories... Once, while in the car, in the middle of just making out, I hear a sound that sounds familiar. I look, and it turns out my phone had apparently dialed my dad and he hung up after a minute. I immediately called him back and said I was in a movie. To this day, he hasn't...
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    Chocolate Skittles

    Are the worst candy ever. Just for you, TW, I documented my experience eating these: Initial Observation: Oh, look, chocolate Skittles. I bet they're exactly like M&Ms. Packaging: Looks interesting. The flavours aren't fruit flavours, but rather, flavours like chocolate brownie and s'more...
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    Fourth-in-the-series movies

    So I just saw Indiana Jones a couple days ago and it brought to my mind my memories of watching "Live Free or Die Hard" and, to a lesser extent, "Lethal Weapon 4". There is a common element in all these films - the first three were well-made and some may argue that the third was the best in the...
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    [Flash]Entertaining Football Game

    Free Flash Games - Pro Quarterback Well, I lied, it's only entertaining because of how ridiculous it is. My score is 933. I can't figure out how to kick extra points. I also don't know what this has to do with being a quarterback.
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    Arena Football Sucks

    I was bored and, desperate for football, started watching this nonsense... It's like it's a sport for people who aren't intelligent enough to watch real football. LOL LET'S SCORE EVERY SECOND PLAY GUYZ!@$@!$
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    What's the name of the song?

    Okay, a challenge for TW. I was at the gym and heard a song, but I couldn't really understand any of the lyrics. The only thing I recognised is a small sample in the song YouTube - Dj RnB MiX vs Shamur and Fatman Scoop - Let the music play Go to 1:09. That short clip there was sampled in the...
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    ESPN Insider Request

    ESPN - Some called Mayo a reach, but he could be a rookie of the year - NFL Thanks.