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  1. S

    Need a little Forum advice

    I gots me a little project in the works. Obviously I could work hard and code me my own forums, but I want to have my project finished and deployed THIS year. So I'm looking at two common forum-types, and I wish to educate myself about Forum tech and the Pros and Cons of both. So you admins out...
  2. S

    I have a great and ambitious idea!

    Instead of trying to ressurect Tribes, I think we'd be much better off using our coding and software skills to produce Duke Nukem Forever. We can beat 3Drealms to the punch and Email them a copy. Shit...we could probably do it with RPGmaker2k!
  3. S

    Bugspray rocks.

    [15:50] <starsickle> BZ voice servers down? [16:10] <BugsPray> i haxed them [16:12] <starsickle> onoz [16:12] <starsickle> :< [16:12] <BugsPray> if u want ur server back [16:12] <BugsPray> gimme $50 [16:21] <starsickle> how about a post on tribalwar that you rock? I'd do it on TWL but I'm...