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  1. D

    Rate my build

    Time for me to upgrade my machine again. It's been a while since I looked at this stuff. I'm looking to do an upgrade that will last for a few years, with an eye toward playing some of the new mmos due out next year. ( SWTOR etc ). The only thing I'm solid on is basing it around the new AMD six...
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    Climategate Computer Codes Are the Real Story

    Pajamas Media Climategate Computer Codes Are the Real Story Cliffs: Part of the leaked email chains describe a programmer's three year attempt to reconstruct the CRU's data models from legacy databases- unsuccessfully. It was apprently so riddled with bugs and specific exceptions that it was...
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    Mobile template request

    Force all images to display as links. Embedded images just show as blank posts. Tanks!
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    who else starts a game of morrowind/oblivion by training sneak to max

    Time to rob and/or steal. Sneak is godly. What did you find effective in Oblivion?
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    KT1TSbarW1U Siphonophorae - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Siphonophorae or Siphonophora, the siphonophores, are an order of the Hydrozoa, a class of marine invertebrates belonging to the phylum Cnidaria. They are colonial, but the colonies can superficially resemble jellyfish; although they...
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    [Scifi][NWS]Biggest Douchebag: Baltar or Suresh? ( Cylon boobs )

    So I paused my Season 2.5 BSG disc to watch the Heroes season finale. It occurred to me that these two series have, quite possibly, the two biggest fuckups ever. This is a douchebag space nerd fight of epic proportions. Choose your champion! Gaius Baltar ( BSG ) vs. Mohinder Suresh ( Heroes )...
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    I wonder if anyone has informed the candidates....

    ..that they are fighting tooth and nail to take the fall for the economic crisis. I can see either one being like, "WE WIN!!!1 ..oh shit, we won." McCain is a self-professed econ noob, and though Obama has a bunch of brains on his team, I can picture everyone being like 'FUCKING DEMOCRATS' in...
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    Wireless routers

    Need a new one for the house. Probably going to BB or Office Despot later. What current wireless units have great transmission strength, or stable 3rd party firmware that will let me adjust the transceiver dB? Can't do my own research- comcast isn't here till tomorrow. :( Thanks, friends!
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    omg save Hayden

    Hayden's Dad Busted for Spousal Abuse - Yahoo! News
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    the FISA amendment- pro/con

    Let's hear it, people. There's a lot of bad noise going around about this bill, with people calling Obama spineless for supporting it. It granted retroactive immunity to the telecoms for being complicit in the warrantless wiretapping program. But it also supposedly reformed FISA to make it...
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    are you fucking kidding me

    thread deleted? pussies. fraggle was pulling your chain.
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    [Legions] Open Beta starts Jun 24

    FYI for everyone interested who isn't in closed beta. You need an IA account to play, Xp/vista and IE 7. InstantAction Should be a fixed physics build by then ( current is bugged ). Hate line start: ---------------------
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    [Legions] Physics changes in new build

    No links, no pics. Log in and try it out- feels faster, slicker, less 'gummy' on the ground.
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    Dear TW ex-CoH players

    Thanks for the free prestige! Started playing again about 2-3 weeks ago. Due to the number of people we have in the Pinnacle supergroup, there was enough bonus prestige for me to build a base. Got the zone teleporters and bank storage vaults, the whole nine yards. Prestige is the second money...
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    Water Cooling

    I'm thinking of installing a cooling system in my old amd dual proc box. So, who's done it, who has recommendations, what's good and what's not? I don't really trust the review sites out there, though I'm doing my research right now.
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    Diablo 2 on bnet

    I keep hearing people say things like, "If you aren't playing D2 online, why play?" So explain, why is so great on bnet? What's it like, how many players can be in the same map at once? How's it work? Is there an econ? I've played a lot of MMORPGs, so explain why it's different. I enjoy...
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    [Feature Request] Mobile Template [Complete]

    I'm aware of the archive: and Yogi's previous answer: This was in 2003, though, could I get you guys to reconsider? The archive dosen't load all that much faster over my mobile connect- and it...
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    Does anyone on TW use Twitter? Curious as to what a TW Twitter group would look like.. "playing Halo3." "watching porn." "Kura is a fag." "still watching porn.." on second thought, this is probably a terrible idea
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    [Disaster] File Recovery

    Okay. Had a drive corruption problem during a mass file copy. Chkdsk helpfully wiped the entire drive to fix it. Thanks, I didn't really need that 100gb of data.. Need to know what apps you guys recommend for scanning the drive for possible recoverable files. I'm not writing shit to that...