Search results

  1. W

    GoshinWar < *

    Ha, you're a dick.
  2. W

    Applied for a job at Apple

    Haven't heard anything back yet, but I nailed my first two interviews and then my background check completed end of last week. It's for an in-home tech support job, but if it gets me in the door I'm happy.
  3. W

    Yao Ming Retiring

    Twitter looks like cyanides sig has predicted the apocalypse.
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    WTB: Your old laptop that's just collecting dust.

    So I really need a laptop; it doesn't need to be awesome, and in fact I'd prefer it to be older, as I really only want to spend $50-$75. I just need it to run the Android SDK & Eclipse. anything like a core 2 duo 1.6ghz, 1gig of ram, etc. Again, as long as it can run eclipse on ubuntu or...
  5. W

    Good way to break in leather(or pleather?) shoes?[help]

    I just got a promotion, and I had to upgrade my attire since I'm being sent off for training. I bought my first pair of dress shoes(from ross, not rich yet ;)) and they're kind of uncomfortable. Should I just bend in the sides of the shoe and the toes over and over to work em in? I leave on...
  6. W

    Cheap Bluetooth USB Dongle

    Just saw it, it probably isn't the greatest but if you've been meaning to grab one, 1.99$ + free shipping isn't a bad deal Mini Wireless Bluetooth v2.0 USB Adapter, Curved Shaped for $0.99 + free shipping - computer, bluetooth, adapter - Deals.Woot Just use the second code, the first one is...
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    Mandarb please tell me you aren't in Germany

    200 giant spiders, termites feast on man | The Daily Telegraph :scared:
  8. W

    NBA JAM[PS3]

    Just picked it up, gonna play a fuckload tonight. This is probably the only [arcade] sports title I've ever liked. After having played one quick game to re-introduce myself, I realized I really suck at this game but its fun as fuck.
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    Drake inside[pic]

    like a sprained ankle boy i ain't nothin to play with
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    Yay, no more DSL. Finally got cable!

    Today at like 5pm it was 13 down 1.5 up, but thats what i'm actually paying for. Fuck you ATT DSL 3.0MBPS ;)
  11. W

    ComboFix.exe and RRT.exe

    Thank you. Seriously, if I could find some place to donate to the combofix dude, I would.
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    Anytime I see someone say "FTFY" I read the rest of their post(mostly on reddit) with a retarded narrator voice.
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    Aussie dollar hits Parrot Tea

  14. W

    i fucking hate other forums

    Because they always use gay ass fuckin smilies. TW's smilies > *
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    I need another TW Collective, or at least some new shit to listen to!!! thanks bud :] <3
  16. W

    white trash on facebook

    lol, chick at work going through a divorce. She blew up on some guy today because he moved her chair out of the way. He then responded and made her look like a retard in front of 15 people. jesus christ, i need a new job stop being creepy jomo :<
  17. W

    Happy tribaaallwarrr birthday tooo mee

    My current age: 21, will be 22 in august this account: 10 years old today. how sad is that :birthday:
  18. W


    Thank you soooo much <3 WAFFLES HERE I COME. I already got a bunch of shit, hopefully I'll actually get to seed something. I've got full bandwidth allowance revved up and ready to roll. Fuck, i even cleared off all my old torrents for this bitch. again, thanks dude!
  19. W

    Does it now?

    1080p Games only play in 720p, whats wrong? - PlayStation 3 Answers on GameSpot these people are idiots, why do you suggest this link google, why?
  20. W

    Help managing Bandwidth [PS3/PC on ntwrk]

    I tried googling it, but I didn't really know if dd-wrt or tomato is what I need for this. (I'm still just using the normal firmware for my router) I basically just want to limit my ps3 to 100kbs/down and 10kbs/up, and the rest split between my other computers. I'm just tired of netflix sucking...