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    DREAM Lightweight Grand Prix Finals

    Its on right now for those interested, check the usual streams.
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    K-1 GP 2008

    Check the stream at mmatv to have a look. All stand up, I like it better than MMA. :fight:
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    FF7: Crisis Core

    Check your local 'store'. I think it was released last night. :ninja
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    Name of this song?

    Its the one at the beginning... q6dxNyZvKRI
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    Final Fantasy VII: Voices of the Lifestream

    Overclocked Remix made a FF7 album that came out a few days ago for those who listen to their stuff. Home - Final Fantasy VII: Voices of the Lifestream, An OverClocked ReMix Album
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    I remember a thread awhile back of people asking for invites to it, sign ups are open.
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    Recognize this tune?

    YouTube - ~ World MAX Elite ~ by shunsuke Anyone know what this is from? I'm pretty sure its from a movie, but I can't place it.
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    [TW Doctors]Pill Help

    So I got a pill lodged in my throat, and I can't get it to go down. Didn't bother me before(though I was choking on it when it went down til my bro hit me), but now it hurts and I feel like I'm getting slightly choked when I swallow. I've tried drinking a shit load of water, eating bread...
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    Metal Gear 3: Substinence

    So who here went and bought it? How does the online MP play out? *edit: Metal Gear 3: Subsistence-vgo
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    Anyone here read the Splinter Cell novel?

    Saw it in a store the other day and am curious since I am rereading Rainbow Six. So anyone pick this one up?
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    Help finding a South Park Episode...

    What is the name of the episode where they start up a talent agency?
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    How do I...

    Get wheelchange and fov script to work for t1? I reinstalled recently and want to throw some scripts in t1(which Ive never done before) and don't know where to put them.