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  1. F

    [T:V] Capping is way too fucking easy and it's pissing me off

    Faggots can cap like nothing. What the hell is up with that shit? It takes no skill at all... set your route up towards the flag, hit 'q' to activate the energy pack, and it's a done deal you grab and go home lightning fast. This is bullshit, it's going to ruin the fucking game if people can...
  2. F

    Is there some kind of Olympics shoutcast/webcast I can listen to on the internet?

    Some of the events I'm interested in aren't on TV, and I'd like to hear what happens if possible. Anyone know if there are internet radio stations or whatever that are covering the games? :\
  3. F

    Replacing beer with hard liquor for purposes of weight

    Would this work? I have, what appears to be, a "beer belly", and want it to go away. I love beer and drink beer pretty often, now if I were to cut it out, and replace it with hard liquor, would this help my beer belly situation?
  4. F

    1/3rd of President Bush's tax cuts have gone to the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans

    I'm glad that the people who least need it got the most out of these tax cuts. Vote Bush for '04, because after all, he really cares about you.
  5. F

    I accidentally disabled every administrator account on my Win XP machine.

    I fucked up... The main admin account was previously disabled, and I somehow created 2 user accounts, and no admin. There are some programs on google but they all require admin level access. There's gotta be someone here who can help. Yes I fucked up, yes I'm a moron. Here's some barely...