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  1. N

    Hallo, meine Freunde

    Just the yearly check-in to see what y'all up to. Hope youre doing great :) Much love from that german fag. <3
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    Early midlife crisis activated

    Suzuki Intruder 1400cc :sunny:
  3. N

    Sup Bitches..

    Just saying "Hello"!
  4. N

    Ey! WTF

    How's everyone doing today?
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    Happy July, 4th

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    HuffPost went full retard: "Muslims are the True Feminists"

    Muslims Are the True Feminists | Huffington Post :srsly:
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    [Germany] Blond, cheerful kids = Nazi parents

    Parenting Magazine Warns Families Dangerous, Likely Right Wing :picard:
  8. N

    YouTube Heroes...

    Wh_1966vaIA Getting "points" for mass reporting videos.. what could ever go wrong there?! :rofl: "Comments are disabled for this video." On the way to becoming the most downvoted video on youtube :lol:
  9. N

    [Documentary] Clinton Cash

  10. N

    And another... suicide attack in Ansbach, Germany

    Syrian asylum seeker behind Ansbach bomb blast | News | DW.COM | 24.07.2016 Deliberate attack: Blast injures 12, kills suspected bomber in Germanys Ansbach RT News Syrian "refugee". Thanks Merkel!
  11. N

    Shooting in Munich Shopping Centre

    'Shots fired' in Munich shopping centre, German police deployed - BBC News Shooting at shopping mall in Munich, multiple deaths reported, shooter still at large — RT News This is just great. "Let's not jump to conclusions" is really just "lets wait for confirmation" at this point. So far 1...
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    Narcos Season 2

    nkOKkS7mKfY Ja Ja Ja!
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    Another Auschwitz "Survivor" admits that it was all BS

    Man who says he escaped Auschwitz makes stunning admission - CBS News
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    Real-time Face Capture and Reenactment

    ohmajJTcpNk This will NEVER be abused... So much for authentic video sources :picard:
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    "It's Against the Law to Offend Somebody"

    QFM6kLiUO14 :picard2:
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    Dindu 3: Return of the Dindu

  17. N

    Dey din do nuffin...

    PxB7sSsbTiY :lol:
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    [Trailer] Independence Day 2

    LbduDRH2m2M Hype?
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    [Iraq] "24 hours left" for Turkey to withdraw troops... OR ELSE!

    Iraq: '24 hours left' for Turkey to withdraw troops - Al Jazeera English
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    [Syria] In case you still dont know why Assad has to go..

    The porposed Oil and gas pipeline HAS TO go trough Syria. Now you know why Syria is at the center of this "terrorist" conflict.