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    Eating cheap steaks rare as fuck

    like chuck and top sirloin and shit basically just searing and eating with the inside barely warm the media scare says I am consuming tons of bacteria I am still alive though, what gives? How long do I have to live? Also why is half the steak at the supermarket thin cut now? What a fucking waste
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    Sandy Truth Hookers

    idkwtf goodnight everybody
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    [IRC Thread] EmoTaxi

    [13:14] <ReyAce> has anyone noticed [13:14] <ReyAce> that like [13:14] <ReyAce> every fucking thing in the world nowadays really just sucks [13:14] <ReyAce> nothing is built like it used to be, and falls apart [13:14] <Breyer> the life of a failure [13:14] <ReyAce> the music is boring, stupid...
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    Prometheus review

    Ridley Scott is a prick.
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    For a while now I've been pretty self conscious about the relatively short length of distance between my testicles and my anus. I know some of you are rich and appreciate the finer things in life and I would certainly be willing to share my new gift with the world if one or more of you would...
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    [IN YO MOUTH] Sonicare vs Oral-B

    The battle of the century. Fight!
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    Entombed in a shrine, or enshrined in a tomb?

    Which would you rather have done with your mortal remains? Any pros and cons to each based on past experiences with dying love ones?
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    FYI Rayn: malicious ads on the bottom

    Not sure which ones lately but some of them are giving cross-site scripting blocked warnings, and now they're trying to javafuck me too. Shenanigans are afoot.
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    LTB: Corsair Dominator DDR2 1066 4GB TwinX

    TWIN2X4096-8500C5D or TWIN2X4096-8500C5DF I don't care about the fan, I just want the RAM. Anyone have this lying around?
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    The Endomorph Myth

    You fatties are just fat because you are lazy and you have no self control over the amount of food you inhale. No excuses. Discuss.
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    Swedish twin psychos run in to traffic, get hit, live, one then stabs a man to death

    Some graphic shit in the videos, actual footage of them running into traffic on purpose and getting run over. The rest is mostly dramatization. Partial Cliffs: Twin sister from America visits her sister in Ireland. They both go nuts, start to travel to London for no reason. Get off before...
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    Listen to some Bruce Dickinson

    ShTQff5PZtg AxqQT3UvXkM 6vc0rmQ50yA 2KTKLxTcQkI dLfcJ7VS0vI hJ8286CdIn4 PtgAynh-b3U v5OUCzJlPD8
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    [Penny Pinching] Bar Soap Splicing Technique

    Hate wasting little pieces of bar soap? Just plain frustrated with trying to get the most out of a small piece of soap no longer large enough to lather quickly? Here's the solution: Get a new bar of soap! But wait, don't throw out that small piece yet. In fact, this works best if you grab a...
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    Bing Cashback: Dick Measuring Contest

    Since the holiday online shopping season is about at a close here, how about we post our Bing Cashback total amounts like it makes us special? I'll start. I'm sure there must be plenty of you that have me beat. Total cashback $603.66
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    I just ordered some Colloidal Silver

    Colloidal Silver Health Products It's prescribed by doctors, but I'm just going to order it off the internet. I'm pretty confident that it's going to solve the majority of my health issues. Can anyone recommend a good colon cleansing product? I believe that's what I need to take care of the...
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    asbestos you can

    for all intensive purposes :bigthumb:
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    Deathdays Today

    TheSpirit :reaper: