Search results

  1. B

    [X-Mas] Looking for good camera recommendation (first DSLR)

    I know some of you are gadget-wise and maybe even have nice cameras. I am looking for something to use for special events/family get togethers/birthdays/etc. I've seen talk about the Nikon D3500 for entry level DSLR, or the Olympus EM 10 but I don't know shit about shit. Someone here...
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    Anyone ever deal with a swath of nutsedge invading their yard?

    I've got about 30 sq ft or so of nutsedge that has taken over a section of the back yard. Prior owners took shitty care of the yard, cut down a bunch of trees, had poor drainage and never addressed it. I put in a 70 ft french drain to address some of the issues and will be planting grass where...
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    Cuckolding is a good thing

    Cuckolding can be positive for some couples, study says - CNN People start using it more often as an insult towards emasculated men. The answer - tell everyone it's a good thing. LOL
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    [TW METALHEADS] Amon Amarth plays _______. Guess the band.

    So this flew under my radar but I stumbled across it and god damn is it awesome. Amon Amarth wrote 4 songs with each song mimicking the style of a legendary rock/metal band. I'm pretty impressed by their ability to write a song that really does seem to capture the essence of the band that...
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    [TW METALHEADS] Some good songs you maybe never heard ...

    Inspired by listening to Bathory post in another thread which lead listening to Nifelheim's cover of Die in Fire. Niflheim - Die in Fire (cover of Bathory) Jea5Ef9Ai0Y Dekapitator - Storm Before the Calm I5Gq5159SbY Victimizer - Circle of Annihilation ghGOMNrOejQ Bewitched - Hard as Steel...
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    green tea recommendations

    My little brother likes green tea in the morning and I want to get him some good stuff for Xmas. I don't know about good brands. Any recommendations for loose leaf or bagged?
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    eat. shit.

    name that movie
  8. B

    Take your meds

    stop posting take your meds go to bed
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    Wait a England they were called Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles??!?

    Ninja was verboten? What the flipping fuck. That ludicrous. utFusA5M5Ds yes this old news. yes Cracked brought this to my intention. who cares
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    Need help identifying old music video

    by old I mean it was posted here a few years back things to know: kind of an indie/electronic vibe features guy walking along beach at night in what may be a daze has a scene with girl jumping rope in a villa hole lights flicker may be about a car crash I don't know vocals are more spoken than...
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    [TW METALHEADS] Venom + Motorhead = Midnight

    dirty black rock n roll metal thrash scum whatever from Cleveland OH. No idea how I never heard of them before sLdwgzu0gPU
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    whats some fun stuff to do in DC

    ill be there for a couple of months, what are cool places to visit.
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    [TW METALHEADS] Black Breath

    thoughts? i havent been listening to tons of metal lately and i dont really know a whole lot about the recent crossover movement. I love Kvelertak though and I just recent heard Black Breath who appear to be genre benders anyone else a fan? have similar sounding artists? g74LSUiVyf8...
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    [Gears of War 3 - X Box 360 LIVE - Campaign - Insane Difficulty - Ghost Protocol] Hey

    Any 360 people want to do the Ghost Protocol event...completing campaign on insane? Its a pain in the dick to do it solo. If you aren't bad and want to do it sometime in the next 2 weeks lemme know.
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    MWznMV2Upe0 0N0dIdeXcEY 7mozRtyp4xQ g-TEQmC778w 6aLUiwgrVdc
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    i have 22 rep points

    you know what who gives a shit shut the fuck up about rep and drink some jameson instead
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    looking for programs similar to "recolored" [nws]

    seen here Colorize Black and White Photos using Recolored im assuming photoshop can do something like this but i dont know how i want to edit some photos. im aware its tacky and i dont give a shit. im not trying to be artistic i just want to fuck around with a few photos. enjoy a photo of...
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    [New Dog] I also just got a new puppy

    American Mastiff His name is Odin. This is 8 weeks old on the dot. He will be 11 weeks old tomorrow.
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    [TW METALHEADS] Kvelertak - Turbonegro meets Impaled Nazarene

    fucking awesome -__g2_uMUd8 Fossegrim ft Nattefrost (from Carpathian Forest) jY9ANGFZFZA dSQhPO8_Jj4
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    Finntroll is back with a new album, Nifelvind, and its fucking sweet mkVwA__Fk9g High on Fire released a new album, Snakes for the Divine, and its fucking sweet 3K7L6Uk-CWg 6mlsUVAbVcM Epica released a new album too eNGzltK_tlc