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  1. Z

    Paging fourstar/bikers - doing long charity ride

    Hi friends This June I'll be doing a 2 day, 180km ride in benefit of multiple sclerosis with some pals I have done longer rides before but never 2 days in a row. Apparently there's not many climbs and etc. Any pro tips/training tips to prepare other than just ride a lot? Id post this in the...
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    Your favorite final fantasy game?

    What's everyone's favorite ff? I've been replaying them since I only played 7+8 growing up(didn't have a playstation) and i am very torn 10 has the best mindfuck twist, also is the most memorable and fun combat wise for me 6 has the best villain and maybe the best story? 9 has the best...
  3. Z

    2017 - goat year for modern games?

    Resident evil 7 Breath of the wild Nier: automata Horizon zero dawn Nioh Etc Is this the best year for video games in a long time or what. I can't think of anything close
  4. Z

    [pubg] anyone play dis

    game is p cool i like e-stalking prey in a buggy ass game who else
  5. Z

    [official] 2017 NHL playoffs

    Playoffs starting soon, too lazy to find and bump regular season thread Let's discuss our hate of the anahiem ducks itt
  6. Z

    Good bye to Cyanide

    Triston 11-06-2000, 03:02 PM Cyanide has just been removed from this board for an indefinate amount of time. Due to his blatant attack at the staff, and his topic spam, he is gone. I apoligize for the problems this may have caused to the more mature visitors to Tribalwar. Good bye to Cyanide...
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    Do n e 1 here doto

    Hi doto is fun who is doto????????
  8. Z

    Tw sysadmins - how much linux is too much

    Hell0 I got a new job a few months ago in a different industry than I'm used to, and God damn is working w/ a much smaller budget different and challenging Basically I've started to implement tons of Linux servers to do stuff that didn't exist before like monitoring and cloud sharing and etc...
  9. Z

    [official] nhl 16-17 season thread

    draft today so new thread
  10. Z

    reggs effort trolling is really bad

    is this dude tryin to be like a metrosexual validuz or wat
  11. Z

    [Official] Street fighter V

    Hi Who's playing this broken piece of shit Fuck capcom etc The actual game seems pretty alright tho I'm enjoying necalli because troll mode is ridiculous
  12. Z

    y r mom jeans a thing

    plz go away ur ruining good looking women everywhere
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    i made another thing let me know what u think, first track i wrote and produced all by myself just somethin simple and upbeat
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    i m streamin 24 hours for charity tomorrow

    hello tw my name is ztir or foger or w/e you might remember me from fantastic magicalgames streams like best titanfall stream in world tribalwar xcom alien killing time hero of a storm nintendo game tomorrow @ 9am MST myself and 4 others will be doing a 24 hour stream for the extra life...
  15. Z

    [canada] elections tonight bros

    whos votin
  16. Z

    [xcom:eu] magicalgames presents: tribalwar saves the earth

    hello my name is foger and i stream on light of my fellow magicalgames streamer coombzy's successful team tribalwar bloodbowl 2 thread, i'm going to be joining the fray with an tw themed xcom: enemy unknown run. any time i stream, i will play a mission or two of xcom with...
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    The community has closed this channel due to terms of service violations
  18. Z

    Public funded pro sports arenas, y or n

    Wat do tw think of this phenomenon I am a season ticket holder for the Calgary flames and they are proposing a new arena for the hockey/football team they operate They basically are proposing a 1B super complex thing while only ponying up 250 mil That means taxpayers are on the hook for like...
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    Meltdown stats of 7/9/2015

    Posters/7D: ICFire (328) GOD DAMN
  20. Z

    boycotting isreal = hatecrime, says canadian government

    Ottawa cites hate crime laws when asked about its 'zero tolerance' for Israel boycotters - Politics - CBC News lmao