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    spyware software

    anyone have any recommendations for what are the best (free) spyware detection software?
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    [OFN?] 10 yr old won't say pledge of allegiance

    Didn't see this previously posted and was wondering what teedub thought: Video - Breaking News Videos from - Boy won't pledge allegiance Cliffs: a 10 yr old kid wouldn't stand or recite the pledge of allegiance b/c he doesn't believe that it'll be true until gays and lesbians can marry
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    [Trivia] Fun Trivia categories?

    So I'm in charge of organizing a trivia/pub night for work, but I've never really played trivia in a bar before. Anyone played before and know of categories/general things that worked well or didn't work well? Funny suggestions for categories are welcome! :cheers:
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    [Movie] 500 Days of Summer

    Great movie. kind of like little miss sunshine/juno meets romantic comedy. plus the girl lead is pretty cute. 9.5/10 go see it.
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    [XBOX 360] Streaming video problem

    So I just installed the new Xbox Live update and now none of my videos from my laptop are showing up under 'wireless video library'. I've run the 'test PC connection' thing and it says that it's connecting to my computer just fine, and I've added the relevant video folders to my Windows Media...
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    [ipod touch] leaving in car in winter overnight?

    Does leaving my ipod touch in my car overnight while it's winter damage it permanently? or as long as i wait for a while for it to warm up before using it will no permanent damage be done?
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    [Video game] best soundtrack

    Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 1. Papa Roach - "Blood Brothers" 2. Anthrax/Public Enemy - "Bring the Noise"* 3. Rage Against the Machine - "Guerilla Radio"* 4. Naughty by Nature - "Pin the Tail on the Donkey"* 5. Bad Religion - "You" 6. Powerman 5000 - "When Worlds Collide"* 7...
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    [OFN?] Palin prank call

    YouTube - Sarah Palin Prank Call with 'Nicolas Sarkozy' - Hilarious! A couple of Quebec comedians prank called Sarah Palin posing as the French President
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    [Computer advice] Laptop recommendations

    I'm a student looking into getting a new laptop. This is my first laptop since up until now I've been a desktop user so I'm pretty new to what to look for. It has to be from dell since I'm getting a discount with them. Portability and battery life are pretty important criteria for me. I'm...
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    [med school] ACCEPTED woohoo

    Just got admission into med school in Canada! other teedub doctors/doctors in training represent!
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    [spyware] best free scanner?

    What do you guys use to scan/remove for spyware? edit: sweet im a vet 5 :)
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    [Video] When lions attack...

    Strangely calm martial arts woman gets tackled by a lion during a photoshoot. - Desi Life
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    [Sex] Just possibly ruined my life

    So I'm with this girl that I kind of know and we're fooling around. At first she tells me that she doesn't want to have sex, but after some more fooling around she decides that she "wants me" and so we get it on. Unfortunately, I didn't think ahead and so I didn't bring a condom. Now in...
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    [Med School] Interview Advice?

    I just got my first interview invitation (yay!). Has anyone else been through this process and have any advice to share (i.e. preparation, general, whatever)? This particular school has a 'carousel' interview type, which I hear is especially stressful and random (i.e. situations/questions meant...
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    [MCAT] Anyone taking it this Saturday?

    Anyone else writing the MCAT this Sat? I'm writing mine @ 8am in Toronto. I've been getting on avg 38-40 on kaplan full length tests so I'm feeling good going into it. I cannot wait to get this over with since it has been in the back of my mind all summer :| I plan on getting very wasted that...
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    [Med School] Any TW experience?

    So I'm currently studying to write the MCATs in August. I'm going into 3rd year in the fall and have a choice to either apply this fall or wait a year and apply. Is it worth spending the extra year to get a BSc. Hon instead of a regular BSc or is it meaningless in the end? The other thing...
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    Funny things that start with letter M

    people, places, or things "Macho Man" Randy Savage
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    [OLD PC GAME HELP] PoP: Warrior Within

    I'm a big fan of the Prince of Persia series. I played the 1st and 3rd ones in the series (Sands of Time, Two Thrones). I recently just picked up the 2nd game, warrior within, from eb games for $10 for kicks. Unfortunately, the game is nearly unplayable for some reason. The cinematics work...
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    [Game] Games Similar to Fable?

    I'm bored and I'm looking to get into a new game. I really enjoyed Fable: the lost chapters when I played it a while back, except for how short it was. Any other games out there that are similar in the sense of being an action rpg? (for PC)
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    [Video Cards] Input on GeForce 7600 GT

    I am thinking of buying this card. I basically want a pseudo-high end card that can play most games reasonably well, but isn't in the $600/ultra-top-of-the-line category. This one seems like a...