Search results

  1. D

    [Travel]Portland, OR

    I'll be in Portland, OR this weekend for the hell of it. I'll be staying downtown on Broadway between Alder and Washington. Anyone have recommendations attraction or restaurant wise? I'm planning on hitting up a few brewpubs while I'm there. Shower me with your collective knowledge of the Rose...
  2. D

    Reboot 2010

    Rainmaker Entertainment Inc. Not very much info so far, but the series was fucking awesome. ReBoot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  3. D

    Naming your children

    A friend of a friend works in a school system in northern Indiana. A mother of a student goes to the school system to complain that everyone - teachers, bus drivers, administrators, etc - are mispronouncing her daughter's name. The child's name is: La-a When I was asked how I would say this...
  4. D

    LOLCat disagrees
