Search results

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    [OMG I Can't Stop Laughing]Comedy-Fucking-Gold

    Japan has finally made something I want to see. Gr4QBZfjtqs
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    A Challenge To Orbital 123

    I will pay for a psychiatrist (M.D. that has completed residency) of your choosing to evaluate you under DSM IV guidelines. My only conditions are that the psychiatrist has access to your full TW post history and that the psychiatric evaluation be published on TW in full.
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    Anyone here a Flash Dev?

    I know this isn't a job forum but I'm looking to hire someone for a kinda simple(I think) project as I know nothing about flash.
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    God Dammit The WSJ Has Gone Insane

    Iran's New Target: Egypt - This is so fucking old. This is OFN like nobodies business. People have been talking about this for over five years (abiet in more detail and less "OMG OMG OMG!!!!!"). Fuck the WSJ for being a sellout and secondly for fear mongering. It's changed so much in...
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    The Preparation

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    Comment On That Horrible Film Knowing

    IF you're watching this shit, think about the Mothman Mythos. It actually makes it somewhat interesting.
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    Flash Gods and Guru's of TW I Need a Little Help

    Action Script, Action Script is the basted son of J-Script that doesn't want to get a job. I'm just saying. With that out of the way I have the following problem: I exported a few animations as SWF files. I then try and run them in a flash page and they loop. I exported them in After Effects...
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    Cyanide Trolled Fraggle And He's Not Posting Until He Gets A Public Apology

    You heard it here first, Cyanide trolled Fraggle and he wants nothing more than a simple apology before he'll return.
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    Anyone Know A Good Organization To Contact For A Positive ID On A Snake?

    I googled and came up short. I'm looking for someone I can submit a photo and location to and hopefully get a species name. The people in the region I was in were worthless when it came to ID'ing the damn thing.
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    Two Things About Chinese Democracy

    I listened to the leaked version three years ago and the final version is mostly the same except for two things. It's a slower tempo and more instrumental which really make it more interesting. and secondly, the song "Oh My God" isn't on the album anymore. If you can find this song listen to...
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    Does that cat come with?

    :rofl: LQ-jv8g1YVI
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    [NSFW] Anal Olympic Acrobatics = Awesome

    This is now the main NSFW blog I'm checking out lately. But this....holy shit. Just look. Assgasm - For Bum Lovers - Anal Acrobats from Evil Angel. It?s like a...
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    Bush pledges "we're going to come" this economic crisis.?????

    WTF, now he's so nervous can't even pronounce "calm".....fuck this
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    I Just Got A Call From God

    I said "Hello, who's this?" He said "It's god, is this Fred" I said "No, this is Stits" and he said "Sorry, wrong number." WTF!?!?!?
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    Happy Birthday Beren

    Hope it's a good one :cheers:
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    The Supreme Court( of the U.S.A.) Made Me Laugh Today

    They gave a fuck you to Dish Network and ensured TIVO has a nice profit this quarter by refusing to hear the case allowing the lower courts award to stand. Additionally, they refused to hear a free speech case involving "right to life" license plates in Arizona. I shall request one of our...
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    Congress Only Did One Thing Right This Whole Fucking Session

    They increased the Nasa budget by at least 10%. Hopefully it will get more with whomever is elected next.
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    Does Anyone Know Where I Can Get Super 8 Film Developed?

    My father shot a lot of Super 8 (Kodak Kodachrome II) During Vietnam (over a thirty) and found seven canisters he never developed and forgot about. I'm currently in the process of finding someone to develop it and it's a bitch. I know it's k-12 (NOT K-14) and no one seems to do that anymore. I...
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    [Just for you Bounty] Larry Flynt is making a porn with Sarah Palin Double

    Larry Flynt is Hustling up an Ala-skin flick with Sarah Palin look-alike Get the lube out and turn down the lights Bounty :heart:
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    If Another One Of You Mongoloid Retardates Mentions A Presidential Poll And

    It doesn't involve the fucking Electoral College treat yourself to a night of electro shock on me. Especially if it's the Gallop poll, if you mention that in a discussion just kill yourself. I'll personally cover the expenses and punch your mom in the cunt for not having the common decency to...