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  1. R

    New PC - Please shit all over my build choices

    I'm impulsively buying a new PC because I'm sick and tired of playing with faggots on XBOX Live. Anyway here's what I've come up with. Let me know if anything is retarded. Btw I'm replacing absolutely everything so that includes OS / monitor / keyboard / mouse Case: Cooler Master Haf 932...
  2. R

    I'd be up 20.46% if I wasn't such a pussy

    This past January I received a sum of money that I deposited into my "savings" account if you can even call it that. On the day that I deposited the money, I created a mock-up portfolio of what I would buy with it if I had any balls. I'm a trader and my fund had just come off a pretty brutal 3...
  3. R

    Rerolling - Need server recommendations

    So when I first started playing WoW, I made the huge mistake of rolling on a PVE server so I could play with my roomate. 4 months later I was in a raiding guild, wasting my fucking life away in Kara until I realized how pointless and gay raiding is, and I deleted my entire account. Well, now...
  4. R

    Bought 2GB of RAM, doesn't work, need advice.

    I recently bought 4 x 512 MB of Corsair Value Select to go with my ASUS P5GD1 motherboard. After installing all 4 sticks, the computer would not load Windows. I would provide the exact error but it was over a month ago and I cannot remember. There was some kind of beeping during the memory test...
  5. R

    Now that Phoenix is gone, let's play a game

    Which one of these players does not belong? Bill Russell - 11 rings Wilt Chamberlain - 2 rings Kareem Abdul-Jabbar - 6 rings Moses Malone - 1 ring Larry Bird - 3 rings Magic Johnson - 5 rings Michael Jordan - 6 rings Tim Duncan - 2 rings Steve Nash - NEVER EVEN BEEN TO THE FINALS...
  6. R

    Lakers / Suns - Game 5

    Post here if you wanna cry about refs, make fun of Kwame etc :P Shaping up to be another close game, with more unselfish play from the real MVP.
  7. R

    [PIC] So you think your crew is cool?

    Obviously you haven't met these guys.
  8. R

    Can I resize a picture without losing quality? Will reward you for your help.

    Every time I try and resize my pictures they look blurry and retarded afterwards. I read once that it's impossible to resize without experiencing this. True? If someone can tell me how to go about doing this shit, I'll post half naked pics of my slutty girlfriend.
  9. R

    So my mother was found dead this morning...

    I got a call from my uncle this morning, informing me that my mother has suffered a heroin overdose and was found dead in southern Toronto. Her body was found after an anonymous phone call was made, by someone that I believe could only have been my father, and who apparently fled the scene...
  10. R

    Umm how does this shit work?

    Sorry if this is old but I just got it and it's fuckin' tripping me out. It guessed my answer like 15 times in a row, anyone know what the trick is here?
  11. R

    Purchasing a Digital Camera - need advice

    I'm gonna pick up a digital camera for my gf, and I don't know fuck all about them so I could use some help. I'm looking to burn about $400 CA, so that's like $280 US.
  12. R

    If you know anything about algorithms, I need your help.

    I have an assignment due in about 4 hours, and if I don't hand it in, I can't get into my CompSci program. Apparently it's supposed to be easy, but I haven't been going to class so I don't know wtf I'm doing.. Anyway I have to write an algorithm which multiplies two integers between -100 and...