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  1. L

    Big Tribes: Ascend news tomorrow

    So apparently is going to reveal these subjects tomorrow on there podcast .::Cliff Note Subjects::. E3 Maps Weapons Ingame Interface Mod'ing Gameplay types New ingame features Learning Curve Gameplay footage release dates What Ascend will do different Beta/Game Release dates
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    Hi-Rez Interview from TribesNetwork Podcast

    Update for you guys, just click on there podcast page or latest podcast on the right side of main page....good stuff Home - Tribes Network
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    Tribes on Alpha Dog Movie

    Anyone see it?
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    Tribes Mod out of SS:2845?

    First off, I would like too say wow. You devs from SS:2845 are doing a fantastic job so far. So let's cut down too the chase. Most people seem to be disappointed of T:V because of stability and missing factors that once use too define the "Tribal Series". Will it be possible for us too mod...
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    US threatened to drop nukes? I got this from a friend who is working in iraq as a Civil Engineer, he says 100% truth..... Discuss
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    Tribes Vengeance Player Scale....?? Take a look at that MTV video of Tribes Vengeance. If player size looks like that on Cavern and Spiridian the game would rock, and It would accually feel like you have room to move. Do tribes maps make you feel Claustrophobic, and is it...
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    Idle in #tribes to help tribes.

    I've been idle in #tribes for a good while now, and I've noticed something interesting. On the ingame channel provided in Tribes Vengeance the players are auto connected to dynamix and #tribes, and it's funny because 80% of the hundreds of new people say the same shazbot. "This is all the people...
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    Changing your skin color.... This is why I'm happy not to be white.
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    IRC Down?

    Anyone else having problems?
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    How smart are voters--> Look at your state.. _____ If you voted for Bush, you're a fuck up for life.
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    Edwards > Cheney

    Oh and Kerry > Bush Come on guys, as americans you should know that Bush has fucked up alot, oh and did I mention he is a complete dumb ass. I don't understand how people can still love Bush so much after all this shit. I will wait to my first respectable responce to talk further.
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    Server Code...

    Are there any plans to have the server code tweaked so that most clans don't have to rent a personal server box just for a decent 20man server. I just hope this is not the downfall to Tribes Vengeance.
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    [Question]InGame Music

    Just wondering with this new 05 along with open beta, will we get to hear some ingame music while we play?
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    Dream Team vs Puerto Rico

    Come on are we really gonna win this thing? We lose by 19 points and we where never even in the game till the 4th, and even at that we only had a 8 point trail. WTF!!! is USA Basketball no more??????
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    [BUG] Inventory/Graphics

    I'm running a 5700 Ultra which avg. around 50fps on Medium details. Now I have noticed 2 things happening to me. Graphics: I noticed that when my dsl gets a bit of packet loss certain graphics vanish. For instance, at times I'll walk out with my chain gun though it shows my mortar. I shoot the...
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    [bug] Ma

    This may be OFN but I don't read anything past the front page on forums. Anyways, there is a MA bug that does not register at times. Happened 2 times with me in a server. I NEED CREDIT FOR MY MA'S <3
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    [Feedback]: Ski Solution

    I recently posted this on my Movement reply but I just wanted to make sure someone could see this. "Hehe yea I see what your saying, in that bittah video the speed was quick, that kind of speed would be great for larger maps. Now that we know T:V will be downsized on maps to bring action...
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    [Feedback T:V] Movement

    Well I've been spending lots of time with Beta and I just have a few comments. I love the knew movement. I think you guys have done a awesome job with that so there is nothing I can say against that, although there are 3 things that in my opinion I would like to see a change. 1) Spawn Points...
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    Is TW up for good?

    Or are we still gonna go up and down?
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    T:V Ingame Voice Chat..?

    I was just wondering for those who are playing the Beta. Is there an ingame voice chat. I noticed that UT2k4 has a very nice one that does not seem to lag up the server or players. Voice Quality equal is about where is Teamspeak which is not too bad at all. If not do dev's plan on implanting any...