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  1. F

    Too cheap to throw down thirty big ones on Midair EA?

    It's equivalent to, idk, three cups of coffee or something... But fear not! I have a big juicy $0 steam key waiting for you. Since you're shit poor, you probably have tons and tons of free time with which to play the game, which is good because there is a catch! Catch: Promise to redeem and...
  2. F

    [T1 request] duel win/loss logger script thing...

    i've seen a few people with it for the first time as of late but after looking through o-tab/nerdsauce as well as TONS of authors' script pages i can't seem to find it. googled and the closest i found was some queer count-down script from sixpak named "duel.cs". i wish i could describe the shit...
  3. F

    [T:V Map/Mod] Can a mutator or TC mod override map settings (spawn gear,gravity,etc)?

    I ask out of curiosity, i do NOT WANT TO ACCOMPLISH THIS TASK, i want to know if it's possible. Well, could one?
  4. F

    It's Almost ... !

  5. F

    [T:V (limited)Release] T1 fullscreen zoom for T:V first things first, as the rdb page and included readme both say, this is for 800x600 and 1024x768 resolutions only... Why? aside from making the image larger than 1024x1024, which i do NOT want to do, i don't know how to fit the reticle to...
  6. F

    [T:V (limited)Release] T1 fullscreen zoom for T:V

    cross-posted since scripting & modifying seems like a ghost-town... first things first, as the rdb page and included readme both say, this is for 800x600 and 1024x768 resolutions only... Why? aside from making the image larger than...
  7. F

    [T:V] reticuleHitFeedbackMaterial troubles

    Yeah, the default hit blips... I've tried to replace them but it still shows the default when i go ingame even though the ini still specifies otherwise, and I'm wondering if there is another place i need to edit other than (in TribesHUD.ini) [default_weaponReticule]...
  8. F

    SP- maps removal

    Feh. So I only have 2.6 or so GB free (that I'd like to keep most of free for more demos/captures) on the hdd i have my 5GB-and-growing T:V install on and I plan on plopping in BM's Soundpack... To do this I'd like to get rid of some of the SP stuff I will never, ever use or have even vague...
  9. F

    [T:V Help] Demos -> Video

    Alright so I've got (and am still gathering) demos. I've got "Game Cam Lite" and FRAPS. I'd like some assistance/opinion on: - Which capture util to use, or if there is a better one out there - Suitable and preferably novice/less-than-expert video editing utilities - Some decent (english)...
  10. F

    Tales from the Gimp (T:V banter)

    Well it's mid-day and I decided to post some weapon-related experiences I've had. Cliffs follow. As of late I've been pubbing with my "gimp" loadout: Buckler, Rocket Pod and Burner on Medium/E-pack... I figured I'd try and get a feel for the weapons I use the absolute least and the results...
  11. F

    Radeon 9800 (r350 core) artifacts.

    I would like to know what the yellow dotting (found in ATITool) artifacts are indicative of. Fucked up rendering pipelines? Overheating? Insufficient voltage? I've only read things like "Be sure to look for yellow dots, you do NOT want any yellow!" , never why or what specifically causes them...
  12. F

    [T1 Preview...?!] Orig. Plasma skin

    K. This isn't the most recent version, so, sorry. Also, as anyone who's taken it upon themselves to skin the plasma gun knows, some of the skin area is very misleading.. partly due to size, partly due to the way the skin is wrapped around the model... /disclaimer 1st: tried to capture it...