Search results

  1. D

    Skybox skins pack & High resolution type skins.

    Does anyone have a currently working link of preferably a simple collection of skybox skins that I can use with Grooves 1.41 retro config? Also if anyone has a collection of basic hires type skins that either are or look basically like default tribes that would be really cool as well. If...
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    when/what to upgrade my PC?

    i'm currently on a 5 year old i5 4690k @ 4.4ghz / 8gb dual channel DDR3 1866mhz / R9 290x 4GB / 1080p 144hz display the very newest games BF V / AC: O etc definitely choke my old i5 to death but I generally play less demanding games you guys think the better upgrade is overpaying for some old...
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    Can someone please convert these skins to 1.41 for me.

    It's my old crosshair and Heimdal's blue rocket disk trail.
  4. D

    I love you, Gon!! nws
  5. D

    Is anyone using shaw cable in BC?

    Is your internet being shitty? my internet is being shitty and I don't want to actually have to talk to a human.
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    anyone do any fishing?

    I don't know how to fish put i'm going to give it a go so I have something outdoorsy to do. I'll be shore fishing in BC lakes so it's going to be cutthroats/rainbows mostly. I got myself a 6'6" medium action uglystik/shakespeare reel and some 6lb test fluorocarbon line a tackle box and a big...
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    i discover u can use amazon ec2 free tier to run tribbs server

    every1 make 9 million servers
  8. D

    terrible toochache

    I have had a horrible toochache in my very back top-right molar starting on friday night, I've tried getting a look at it but I don't have a mirror small enough. I even tried shoving my iphone in my mouth and taking pics and video with the flash on but it came out blurry. I haven't had any of...
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    new t1 west server

    not that anyone gives a shit but I put up a tribes server @ its out of a datacentre in the bay area with a very fast connection and a powerful server and it will be up indefinitely it's running the original duelmaps, it also has rabbit, tr and hunters. I'd like to put...
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    can someone please post a serverprefs.cs for zadmin

    can someone please post a serverprefs.cs for zadmin that will register properly with the new master servers because apparently I am retarted and cannot make a server show up
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    [CANADA] I forgot about a T4 when I filed my taxes

    I just got a T4 in the mail today that I forgot was coming, the thing is it was only for like $4 from a small trust fund with like a couple grand in it. I've already filed and I really don't want to delay getting my return back by amending my already filed taxes. If I just pretend this...
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    hey mandarb

  13. D

    Help setting up a T1 Arena server.

    Do zadmin compatible arena maps exist anywhere? I would prefer it to be running lasthope and i'm not certain how to get lasthope running on a server without zadmin. Also if anyone has a link to Kahlua's original duelmaps not the zadmin compatible ones but the original ones that would also be...
  14. D

    is there a 1.30 install that is scripted like 1.40

    I have goofy binds like mouse2 to ski and stuff like that but I do not want to edit a bunch of script files so I can play again is there a 1.30 script pack that has a gui everything like 1.4?
  15. D

    Hey Fling

    you're a stupid fucking faggot put "Fling :D" in your actual signature so I can ignore it and stop manually typing it in you stupid asshole, you think I can't read who made a post and that I have to see your name twice faggot.
  16. D

    How easy is it to upgrade Dells?

    Dell has a nice deal on currently for Inspiron 530's and I got the below for $1199, my one concern though is it going to be an epic process for me to replace the PSU when I want to upgrade the video card? I went and ordered this thing without researching if Dell has any weird proprietary...
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    Does anybody want Half-Life 2?

    I can gift Half-Life 2 if anybody wants it.
  18. D

    Can someone make this script.

    TribesProject version 3 Comes with a health kit autouse built into the HL2 Huds. Can someone make me a health kit autouse that isn't attached to the huds?
  19. D

    WTB Tribes Vengeance

    Will pay $15 for CDKey alone or $20 + shipping if you send me the box as well.
  20. D


    good times