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    FF to 1:43 OqIv2tc9BCI
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    Wait for it

    The price is wrong so wrong. - GIF on Imgur
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    [Vehicle Import] Canada to Massachusetts?

    Given how weak the Canadian dollar is I was shopping for a used truck across the border, however, I've been having some difficulty finding a competent registered importer that would be willing to handle the necessary paperwork / legalization / shipping of the vehicle for a reasonable price. Has...
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    [Breaking Bad] Coming back for Season 6

    womp womp nevermind.
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    Delete This thread

    Wrong forum
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    [Linux][MacOSX] Bash Bug

    New OS X and Linux bug could be worse than Heartbleed | KitGuru Cliffs: Unix-based systems are vulnerable Bug enables control over Bash Approx 500 million websites are susceptible Worse than heartbleed
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    [GTR] American Ninja Warrior Can't Swim

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    [Boston] 101.7 Evolution changes format to country music

    Now known as 101.7 The Bull......fucking awful. Now in mourning. :cry:
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    [GoPro] Stratosphere Jump Video [Red Bull]

    This happened back in 2012, but here is some new HD footage of the jump. dYw4meRWGd4
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    [Xmas Gift] Getting monitors

    My brother offered to buy me dual 24inch monitors since my old monitor crapped out. I've been looking at the 144hz monitors that are out there and seem to have it narrowed down to either the ASUS VG248QE or BenQ XL2420TE. Does anyone own either of these or have any other suggestions that I may...
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    Water circulator died

    What are the odds my pipes freeze overnight if I can't get in touch with a 24/hr plumber? Currently the house is 54 degrees and it is 26 degrees outside. Halp TW =(
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    Internet trouble - Bad router?

    So the last 2 days my download speeds have plummeted from 75mbps to 3. Oddly enough my upload speeds are unaffected and remain around 35-40mbps. I've tried contacting FIOS and online support insists its either localized to my PC or router. So in the interim they are sending a new router for...
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    [Beer] Triumphant return of Yuengling [MA]

    Yuengling is making plans to return to Massachusetts since it departed the market 20 years ago. The deal is still in its infancy, however, seems like it will most certainly happen in the next couple of years. Banker & Tradesman
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    Fuck you Mass DOT

    Just had the passenger side of my car pelted by loose asphalt due to a single lane being repaved. End result is approximately 25-30 chips down to the primer on my passenger 1/4 panel / hood / bumper. I guess its too much to ask to sweep up extraneous asphalt that wasn't compacted into the new...
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    Trolling......for deer flies.

    So the house I just moved into has a massive deer fly problem. These fuckers will swarm the car upon entering my driveway (which is about 200ft long) and follow me all the way. Basically it is a mad dash to get inside the house and mowing the lawn is unbelievably miserable. So I was reading...
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    [Large Pics] Think I can drive this 5.4 miles?

    New tires don't arrive till Friday and its 5.4 miles to the shop I use. I really didn't want to flatbed it =(
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    [Verizon Galaxy Nexus] Getting fisted

    In-Depth: User Frustration Rises as Verizon Galaxy Nexus Falls Further Behind | tl;dr Verizon refuses to update Galaxy Nexus beyond 4.1.1. Google and Verizon are feuding over NFC chips and the use of Google Wallet Verizon Galaxy Nexus owners are hosed
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    F-18 Video

    Best Pilot Shot F-18 Fighter Video Ever - Business Insider Too cool to not share.
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    How much work do you REALLY do at work?

    I'd say on any given day I do no more than 2-3 hours of real work. It is quite challenging to fill the remaining hours of my work day. I am a product manager for a financial data company.