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    Wii Games?

    I got myself on of these systems after getting addicted to my friend's Mario Kart. What other games should I get, and more importantly: which other games are actually good? Already downloaded World of Goo, which is rad as fuck.
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    Dayman, fighter of the Nightman!

    Champion of the sun, you're a master of karate and friendship for EVERYONE!
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    [Springsteen] [Conan] Spoons!!!

    "Pay Me My Money Down" from the Seeger Sessions album. A pretty damn amazing performance if ya ask me. GCzBhePcIns
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    NBC came out with some PSAs for April Fools, done by the office staffers. Funny stuff.
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    If you tie a piece of buttered toast to the back of a cat...

    If you tie a piece of toast butter side up to the back of cat, and drop the bundle off a 34 story building, which side will it land? omg paradox++ 112 pages by midday.