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  1. M

    Old ass Tribers shoulda said something

    Shoulda said something about the sadness and lack of purpose.
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    [L4D] I have a shit Computer

    I have a p4 280ghz w/1gb ram and a geforcefx5200. Should I even bother with L4D?
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    FF4 The After Years(for the wii)

    Is this any good? It says I need to be prepared to purchase more of "something" wont say what. I heard it may be episodic content. Anyone play through it yet? whats the deal?
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    ps2 still supported?

    I was wondering, are new games still going to be made for ps2 or are they pretty much done supporting it? I bought a wii back when I was convinced it was "the shit." Turns out, it's the shittiest. Should I spend the 100 bucks for ps2? FIFA is the number one reason for my consol gaming these...
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    Americas next top model BS !!!

    Allison should have won! What say you TW?! Nigras won cause of the race card?
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    handwritten text to word document?

    Anyone know of a program that can translate handwritten text into typed word? Thanks in advance. I'll be wacking it to the tummy tuck pics now...
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    [Fantasy football] sit or start

    Do I start AMani toomer (burress is out) or TJ houshmanzadadadda(Palmer might be out) Thoughts welcome!
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    Fantasy football [opinions needed]

    I currently own frank gore and adrian peterson. Someone in my league dropped Shockey(out for 3-6) Should I drop Edgerin James and pick up shockey? I already have Kellen winslow. Ideas?
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    Any good mp3 sharing software out there?

    I am getting back into running and I need some new music. What is the most commonly used method of "acquiring" music online?
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    A challenge to tribalwar

    Next time Kurayami makes a post... do not reply. Don't even say "eff you". Just let it die. I would love to see that just once.
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    Indiana Trespassing video on break. - Sheriff Allows Illegal Trespass Anyone happen to know if this is becoming a real story? cliffs: watch the video
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    Wii: Tiger Woods Golf 07

    How do I bring my created character to a friends place and use him in a match? I just havnt found anything through google searches.
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    Grammar help please!

    They had had work experience. or They had work experience. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I contend the latter is correct, my wifes group at school thinks its the former. Anyone have a link that could help prove me right?
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    Help me clean up some vomit.

    BIg fucking christmas party on saturday night. I puked all over the living room, (think... olive tempanade, martinis, cheese and crackers). I passed out and woke up but decided to ignore the mess and go to bed. My wife, Although very trashed herself is now REALLY fucking pissed about the...
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    [NWS]Lindsay Lohan has a bald pussy OFN?

    Is this real? Do you care?
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    Fifa world cup 2006(the video game)

    I am trying to unlock the All world, all asia, all africa etc. teams. I thought all I had to do was win the cup with a team from that continent but I've done that and it doesnt do shit. Anyone have any ideas? btw Gamecube is the system. Thanks
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    Quake 4 Help

    Everytime I load the level "data storage terminal" the one where you jump into a "pod" the fucking game freezes. Anyone got anything that might help with this? The game run absolutly fine with no glitches until this point. Maybe someone knows why this is happening? much thanks in advance. I...
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    Why does everyone hate Kurayami? [real]

    I mostly lurk and therefore I feel out of the loop on this one. Someone seriously, tell me what I am missing.
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    What did Andy Rooney say?

    Colin Cowhurd said he did something awful and racial. I hate Rooney and I can't wait to pile on but I don't know what he did. Thanks in advance.
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    I bought Quake4 and played through Quake2

    Anyone else totally uninterested in the Q4 single player? I just can't get into it so I played a really fun game that came with it called Quake2.