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  1. G

    Wu-Tang meets Indie

    The new Wutang cd was released today so far its not bad at all they collaborated with a lot of peepz
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    Could Be ofn or afn but I thought it was funny shit. Im canadian and have seen this done on canadians too but damn some people are fucking stupid including you americans. I guess thats what happens when you only learn "american history" rather then the world like here in canada. (canada has a...
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    [RAP] Dreams of Fucking a .............

    Well was going through some of my more underground music and I noticed two songs with the same basic name Dreams of fucking a (name here). Well the two mc's that had the same song names were made by Thirstin Howl and Ill Bill. Thistins was called Dreams of fucking a Cartoon Bitch. Ill Bills was...
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    Anyone Tell me What this is from? Looks like a clip from a sweet movie any idea what its from...
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    [Tribes 2] Cash Tournament

    phreeky of 311 fame has decided to run this sweet tourny check out the details. They are also still looking for 1 more captain.
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    New 50 Cent CD - Massacre

    New 50 Cent CD Just got it a bit a good, havent listened to it yet tell me what yas think
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    UFC Fans Ortiz vs Belfour

    Anyone know the Name of the Event they fought in, I heard it was a pretty good ending and supposilly Ortiz calls out Shammrock and Liddel at the end.
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    New Scarface Game?!?

    anyone hear about this? its a crazy concept it picks up with the movie's last scene. the first mission is basically the last scene in the movie, and you have to shoot your way out of the mansion alive escaping death. after that you have to rebuild your empire from scratch again. I this could...
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    Today is a Great Day!

    Happy Bday to myself and Happy Groundhog day to the rest of yas. Im the big 22 now.
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    [Hockey] Suggestion On Hockey Stick

    Well my question is, is how are the new one Piece composite sticks? I hear so much about them but havent shot with one or used one yet. I was wondering if they are even worth buying? Ive used a Wooden stick all the way to Midget then gave up hockey, but recently my boys have been playing...
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    [NWS] Some Big Ass Titties

    Not sure if its OFN but I thought it was pretty funny
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    Remember the War Vets

    Anyone (Canadians) doing anything for Remembrance Day? Im parading with my unit (military) Have a good Parade and Dont forget to think about the Vetrans that fought for us!
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    [MP3] For you Redsox fans

    Its a pretty good freestyle of some guys I know Not the best quality but it has some good punch lines.
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    New Eminem Song

    Dont know if its ofn or not but I thought it was a pretty dope song.
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    Almost nailed a Moose.

    I was driving back from a party near my home town and on the way back from dropping them off, when I almost hit about a 9 foot moose. He was like leaning over my windshield looking at me it was fucking crazy my heart was racing hardcore I could have had his ass through my windshield if I was...
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    What is the Limit?

    Well last night I was at a huge party at a buddies place I go to school with. Im having a good time drinking then this fucking punk kid walks up all fucked on E or something and starts talking shit about my buddy. I say something back and he responds with pushing me pretty hard back into a...
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    Audio Slave vs Rage Against The machine....

    just had some good debates with some of my musical friends and was wondering was getting rid of zach and gaining Chris better or worse for the rest of the members of the band. IMO right now audio slave isnt to well known but have amazing talent Chris cornell is 1 of the best song writers out...
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    Official: FF11 Thread

    just curious on what your guys thoughts are about it.... I heard its going to be online battling and shit and cloud is Back and a lot of older charcters... anyone hear anything?
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    hi come to irc!!