barack HUSSEIN obama needs to be said more


Veteran XV
The fact idiots confuse him as an arab would really help us in the middle east.

think about it: idiots in the US think he's an arab muslim. The middle east is full of idiots. If they think we're being run by a muslim, they won't fuck our shit up because they think we're one of them now.

hell, I already know that people with sway and are actually educated in countries over there consider it pretty awesome a black guy has a strong chance of being a leader of a western nation, so the fact his middle name is HUSSEIN will only be the icing on the cake.

oh, we also need to convince obama to ditch dodd and get palin in there, because as you may be aware, pakistan's leader is already hitting on her, so what we need to do is get obama and palin in the same room, obama starts talking koran and oil and tries to convince the leaders to give us cheap oil and stop fighting us, and then palin 'accidentally' drops something multiple times to stun their leader into signing whatever barack wants them to.

tell me how this could be a bad thing for america?!?!?!?
Drove through a predominantly black neighborhood yesterday...

guess which election poster I didn't see spiked on the lawn of just about every house I drove by.

Now, guess which one I did see...
fngr can you tell me why you vote republican

even though your household income is less than 60k a year

also mccain has a harder stance against people who use methamphetamines

is that going to hinder your meth use