Recent content by Shinigami

  1. S

    Blue screening after replacing mobo

    I fried my motherboard a little over a week ago and since I've replaced it (with the exact same board), I've been having some odd problems. The biggest one being that I seem to blue screen every once in awhile when I never did before. As far as I've noticed, it doesn't occur during any certain...
  2. S

    Video card shown as unknown device type

    So we had a fire in my house over a week ago. The fire never reach anywhere close to my room, but, naturally, a lot of smoke did. I have two PCs and one, because it had a large amount of airflow, was covered with soot. My other, however, has no case fans and had a very low amount of soot inside...
  3. S

    HDD not clearing data

    One of my friends was uninstalling some things the other day so he could install a new game. Yet he discovered, after deleted several gigs worth of data, that his hdd wasn't freeing any space. Has anyone ever had this problem and/or know how to deal with it? He's running windows xp pro. He's...
  4. S

    Performance difference in memory clocks

    ATM I have a 266MHz FSB socket A CPU. In about a month I am planning on moving to an Athlon64 2800 or 3000. Right now I have 512MB of PC2100. How much performance difference (particularly in games) would there be between 512 of PC2100 and 512 of PC3200? Eventually I will buy some 3200, but I was...
  5. S

    An idea for hudbot...if possible.

    An option to disable LOD.
  6. S

    DirectX issue

    This happens after playing a DirectX 8.1 game after a variable amount of time (sometimes about 2 minutes, sometimes after an hour). I have not limited it to DirectX 8.1, but it has happened while running two games using 8.1. The only other game I have played recently (Tribes) runs in OpenGL and...
  7. S

    T1/Radeon 9600 issues

    I just bought a Radeon 9600 AIW Pro and installed the cat 3.9s. When I try to run the tribes.exe it will begin to run then immediately terminate. I have disabled fastwrite, put tribes in software at 640, set the BIOS settings to default, and even formatted (I needed to anyway). Any other games...
  8. S

    Two instances of explorer running on restart

    Everytime I restart my system (or run explorer after I've killed them), windows starts with two instances of explorer.exe and a window of My Documents open. It's been happening for a week or so. It doesn't really hurt anything, just really bothering me that I can't figure out why. I'm running...
  9. S

    [T1] Screenshot probs

    I know this has been asked before, but I searched and couldn't find it... Running vp4 and using the movie.cs.. Halfway though a series of screenshots, they started showing up completely black. Now any I take are solid black. Anyone know what to do about this?
  10. S

    Whoever converted TJ's blue disc skin...

    Did you touch up the skin after you applied a palette? If not, what pal did you use? I tried every pal I have and they all come out ugly on the gradients. :/ Edit: BTW, the reason I wanna know is 'cuz I wanted to convert some other skins in his blue set.
  11. S

    [T1] Modeling Questions

    Excuse my ignorance, but I myself have never modeled in 3d. A friend of mine who's pretty good at Max has offered to make me some models for t1. I just need to know how you'd convert something to a dts and about how many polys a model for t1 should be.
  12. S

    [T1 Release] Spark Mine Explosion

    Kinda lame, but I made this for myself so I figured i might as well release. zip
  13. S

    [T1] What do you think...

    First has particles at the end, second doesn't. They're already palettized and reduced to 23 frames.