Recent content by justin

  1. J

    Tribes! FAQ

    Hey guys, I just finished posting a small FAQ on some of the more common questions I've heard come up since our announcement that we'll be releasing Tribes using the IA technology. Forum post on IA Tribes! FAQ Reposted here for justice : Instant Action Technology Q: How does the website...
  2. J

    2006 Front Line Award nominees announced

    Yeah that's right. Take that, unreal!
  3. J

    GarageGames needs computers

    Ok so I've recently been looking for some old crappy test computers for our TorqueGameBuilder product to do some QA on low spec machines. I'm however having no luck trying to find them on the interweb and can't spare any more time today looking. Then it occurs to me that TribalWar can find...
  4. J

    [Windows Explorer] Change Directory Tree Root to a subfolder?

    I want to set explorer.exe's directory browsing panes (left side) root to be a sub directory so i can easily navigate a directory tree without accidentally clicking out of the root. Anyone know if this is possible? If so, how? TIA :sunny:
  5. J

    I love free software [FREE]

    ...well, no money anyhow. Free software… what? That’s right free, licensed copies of PrivacyBuddy for the first One Hundred people that are interested and send me an email. The email requirement is there for two reasons. First, I want to make sure that anyone that wants a copy gets one, so...
  6. J

    [GYM] Chest Day Clavicular Head Focus

    Ok so my chest has been building oddly, I do inclines every time I work my chest and still my clavicular head is severly lacking in comparison to the rest of my chest. All I can seem to find on the internet is Incline this, incline that. So what are some excersises you do that get your...
  7. J

    URL Typing Bar Global System Hotkey?

    Anyone know if there are any small apps that do this? For example, I am programming and have Visual Studio as the active window and I want to google something but i have to go to start then FireFox then wait for it to load, stop my default page and type in my google bar what i want to search...
  8. J

    Tiny tanks and nuclear weapons, inside

    Do you remember this game, from way back played on DOS, I tried to draw up something as best I could in paint. I can't remember the name of it for the life of me :( There were generally 4 or 5 tanks, and you had all different types of weapons, with different blast radius's and you earned...
  9. J

    Putrid, yoohoo

    Hey, being the resident phsyics/quantum mechanics expert, have you seen 'what the bleep do we know?' and if so, what did you think of it?
  10. J

    [Breaking OFN Pics] Uva5

    Fucked if I care if you want to see them, and fucked if i care if this thread dies. Enjoy! ... or not. lucius says vav
  11. J

    Good multiplayer Co-op PS2 or Gamecube games

    Me and a buddy just beat X-Men legends, and now we want another game to start playing. What games have blown your mind (or atleast impressed you) as far as co-op action goes recently? PS2 or GameCube are fine, no GBA links (4 swords :() Get down with your bad selves :boogie:
  12. J

    Ambient music to the tune of chillin'

    Yeah so I'm tryin' to create a decent CD to stick in my player and just relax to after a long day and a bowl. Right now I've got Pink Floyd (DSoTM and WYWH) in as well as Frances the Mute, De-loused in the comatorium and Violin Concertos (Bach). I want something more to the feel of PinkFloyd...
  13. J

    Sprinkler Piss

  14. J

    [PICS] [UVA5] Sarca choke slams LGBR... ahh the memories

    The event was UVA5, the room was dark, and the picture was thought non-existent... For those of you not in the know, Sarca was sitting at Coolguy's computer playing legends I believe and LGBR came up to him and starting harassing him (like little kids often do), Sarca told him to go away...
  15. J

    So this chick gave me crabs...

    but i just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to geico. really.