Recent content by forensicv2

  1. F

    Annoyances in T:V

    1) Does chat have to be in ALL CAPS all the time? I keep reading chat like everyone is yelling at eachother. 2) Why can't we change loadouts using key combinations on the fly ala T2? I also wish you didn't have to select your loadout each time, and it would store a "current" loadout so you can...
  2. F

    Pat Tillman a.k.a. Pro-Athlete a.k.a. American Hero a.k.a. Gay Atheist Crossdresser So it turns out he wasn't quite the dumb jock everyone thought he was.
  3. F

    Retired American General: It is time to cut our losses in Iraq

    Wall Street Journal:,,SB108310695176695357,00.html thought fngrbang might find this interesting Is it time to cut our losses and pull out?