Recent content by Fooz

  1. F

    Whats the strongest/druggiest shit to take for a cold/virus?

    This bitch is kicking my ass.
  2. F

    Bioshock 2 Multiplayer

    BioShock 2 Video Game, Advanced Multiplayer Mayhem Gameplay HD | Game Trailers & Videos | BioShock 2 Video Game, Big Daddy Bash Multiplayer Gameplay HD | Game Trailers & Videos | This is looking pretty swank IMO, a refreshing change from recent shooters...
  3. F

    Avatar Full Trailer

    See new and upcoming movie trailers, videos, and clips from Yahoo! Movies Click HD Fuck you thats good
  4. F

    Tell me what sci-fi to read.

    Yea do it i know you like your sci-fi. I'm already big on the ender series, so whats next?
  5. F

    Why is there so much Naruto an Youtube?

    And why do people watch Naruto?
  6. F

    Trio For Strings

    New to composing, here's a short thingy.:shock:
  7. F

    Free Midi Composer?

    Is there any capable free midi composer available on the web? Also, anyone who works with midi, whats a good place for VST instruments, especially drums?
  8. F

    Best Tablet PC

    What is the premium tablet PC available up to 2,500$? (I need to have the optionof having up to 2 gigs ram)
  9. F

    Good Multitracking software?

    I've just gotten the Line6 Toneport, and it came with a demo version of live 4, but it is capped at 4 tracks, what is a good limitless multitracking program?
  10. F

    Platypus [bored][game][so] So entertaining... cant resist the clay...
  11. F

    [not political] Bunny full of giggles
  12. F

    Geddy Lee or Jon anderson

    Personally, I'd go with anderson. Overall more force, better control, and better presentation. "Legally" download "And You and I" By yes to hear some of his good stuff. Geddy is awesome, but just doesent provide the same power IMO.
  13. F

    Todays broom hilda, a little racy...

    good season.
  14. F

    3Dmark05 screens (graphics are really getting nice)
  15. F

    To all personal thread starters...

    Got problems? Pics of (ugly) girlfriend? Sexuality issues? Depression? Typing through tears? GET FAR AWAY FROM TRIBALWAR YOU FAGGOT. YOU KNOW NOTHING GOOD WILL COME OF YOUR THREAD.