Recent content by Ciceron

  1. C

    Game is Dead - Going F2P

    Star Wars: The Old Republic | Developer Blogs
  2. C

    Ilum Response (a.k.a. "We done goof'd")

    STAR WARS: The Old Republic - Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues
  3. C

    I could go for a Chicago Dog right now.

    I want that all-beef frank in my mouth.
  4. C

    You're my honey bunch, sugar plum, pumpie umpy umpkin.

    You're my sweetie pie.
  5. C

    Goin' Commando

    Got a nice bulge workin'.
  6. C

    Nike MAG

    PZ6SkdkXjAQ Thought to be announced tonight.
  7. C

    Talent Trees Reverting to Level 60 Size

    MMO-Champion BlueTracker | Cataclysm Class & Mastery Systems Update
  8. C


  9. C

    [HION] Local Dealership Spokeswoman

    3THnat9R_as She kinda freaks me out when she says "cash" at the end.
  10. C

    Sir, are you classified as human?

    Negative, I am a meat popsicle.
  11. C

    Kindle 2

    It's a fucking PADD. :o: The thing looks pretty neat, though. [edit] Sorry, how rude of me:
  12. C

    The Shawshank Redemption

    Such a great movie. The end.
  13. C

    How does this make you feel?

  14. C

    [ofn] Fred

    nEqwKNNQBwc :isee:
  15. C

    Google Maps Street View
