One Year of Struggle - December 23, 2023 - Dynamix's Starsiege: TRIBES

All I got is my original box/CD & my beloved SnowBlind Hoody
I wish I could find my Stonehenge (irish pub style look) shirt
used to wear that to all the St Paddy days
I would like to propose on our Memorial Day we play TRIBES: Vengeance!

It was the one TRIBES title truly ignored. AND IT REALLY ROCKS! :)
It's sad but hilarious that I was kind of middle of the pack in the douchebag poll. God damn that was a long time ago.
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so r boat names like a license plate thing or just a watever name thing like "full of seamen"
My struggle continues...

I have been banned from the Starsiege: TRIBES and Midair Discord servers for trying to spread the good word of Vengeance.

God Help Us!
My struggle continues...

I have been banned from the Starsiege: TRIBES and Midair Discord servers for trying to spread the good word of Vengeance.

God Help Us!

well that's your own damned fault then. t:v sucks.