[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

esp. that 1 about "all men created equal"

It's true. If I'm at home and sitting to pee (as I've become accustomed), I have to hold my pensi with my hand because if I don't, it rests against the bowl.. The ONLY time being like this is a bonus is when having the sex. Everywhere else, it's a curse.
If he didn't 'upset the system' then why do you think that for his entire term and now, at least 3 years later, they are still coming after him?

Do you really think that in a place that is full of thieves and shysters that they are outraged that someone you think is of their ilk came into their city?

The ppl clamored to elect him to drain the swamp. Ie - make corrupt politicians accountable. So why not make trump and example of that by holding him accountable for his corruption?

In some ways I think they disliked him most not because he's just like them, but because he's so brazen about it that he makes it harder for other charlatans to keep grifting.

Is it really so hard to believe that a grifter decided to join politics? Or is it that you just don't want to admit to yourself you got suckered by the old "I'm not like them" grift?
Can someone shoo the yappy Chihuahua away :lol: go fight for custody of your child or polish up that hotel manager resume bruh
tw has the most rubes ive ever seen in one place

They've whittled it down, certainly, compared to what it was in 00 and 01. Now there are no women, no minorities, very few centrists and liberals. I'm the exception to the unwritten "no minorites" rule, and I'm called feather-n*gger once a day, at least. It's racist white men "owning the libs" with such zingers like "you beat women" (I haven't), and the next 7 posts are more white men saying "ZOMG OWNED!"

This is why they pass the hat around periodically to keep this place running, and this is why they are going to fail anyway. If contributing a dollar could get my "contributor" tag removed, I'd do it. It's an embarrassment.
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I don’t recall seeing you called anything except racist three times divorced woman beater.

And a disgrace to your culture. I add that in myself.
It's true. If I'm at home and sitting to pee (as I've become accustomed), I have to hold my pensi with my hand because if I don't, it rests against the bowl.. The ONLY time being like this is a bonus is when having the sex. Everywhere else, it's a curse.

ya some of us r cursed w monster dicks and no ladies 2 put it in
Back on topic:


I want to know the conversation he has with his hairdresser prior to getting an ace haircut like that.
The ppl clamored to elect him to drain the swamp. Ie - make corrupt politicians accountable. So why not make trump and example of that by holding him accountable for his corruption?
Now show an example of his corruption with actual proof, not your feelings.

In some ways I think they disliked him most not because he's just like them, but because he's so brazen about it that he makes it harder for other charlatans to keep grifting.

Is it really so hard to believe that a grifter decided to join politics? Or is it that you just don't want to admit to yourself you got suckered by the old "I'm not like them" grift?

Ok...so again...show me the actual incident and evidence of 'grifting' on his part
Trump university seems like a good example. Stop the steal money is another one. Not sure how you can’t see Trump is a massive grifter.
1 trump university was before he was a president and teh only real bitch from those in the lawsuit was that trump himself didn't personally teach the classes or hand pick the instructors

2. Stop the steal money was put towards exposing the election corruption

Let me make this simpler, During his time as president, what was his big grift?
That wasn't their bitch at all.

Among their complaints:

  • Trump University was not an accredited University or college.
  • It did not give college credit, confer degrees, or grade students.

After being elected President, Trump SETTLED the lawsuits for 25 million. The plaintiffs should never have accepted that, and dug in, because a jury would have awarded them many times that.

Juggernaut's assertion that their complaint was that Trump did not personally teach any classes is something he made up.
I can say with pride I have never taken a business or marketing course in my life. Why real Universities still teach that shit is beyond me.