[OMG] Another mass shoo......ah never mind.

America is still not a race. Shocker.

bigotry isn't limited to race-based grouping, u illitchrite low iq piece of eurotrash

u go after nationality, ur a bigot, and ur hatred of america has compelled u 2 become the biggest nationality attacker on tribalwar

biggest bigot on a website w/ ppl who openly refer 2u as a stupid fucking nigger

dang, son
Sigh, this again. I don't hate America. Said it sooooo many times. I love the country. I think the way you do things is 100% retarded and unbelievable for a so-called civilised country. But hey ho nobody else cares. That's why we hit page 2 in under an hour while no other threads are active :shrug:
You seem to care a lot. Also it's pretty odd to love a place but also think the way "everything is done" is retarded. I'd say that makes you a retard.
If there was a law that prohibited you from storing your guns under your MyPillow this never would have happened
Sigh, this again. I don't hate America. Said it sooooo many times. I love the country. I think the way you do things is 100% retarded and unbelievable for a so-called civilised country. But hey ho nobody else cares. That's why we hit page 2 in under an hour while no other threads are active :shrug:

i'm not a bigot, but i think niggers are stupid. i love them but they are 100% stupid and violent for a bunch of so-called equals. i'm going to make 30 posts about how i don't like niggers and what they do and how they live, but i love them, i really do.
i'm not a bigot, but i think niggers are stupid. i love them but they are 100% stupid and violent for a bunch of so-called equals. i'm going to make 30 posts about how i don't like niggers and what they do and how they live, but i love them, i really do.

Mitch, you really got to admit that this was not a good effort, it was a great effort. Perfectly analogous to what you’ve been implying.

Well done Ed
Mass Shootings by Country 2023

Oh look, Scandinavian countries are worse per capita. USA isn’t even in the top ten. Does seem to be a northern hemisphere problem, but that’s maybe a media coverage thing.

Sigh. Norway data is skewed by a single mass shooting 12 years ago among a small population. In general, per capita gun deaths are 8 times higher in USA than Norway and 9 times higher than Sweden.
Are we pivoting to gun deaths or still sticking to actual mass casualty events?

Is anyone supposed to be surprised that the country with the most guns also has a higher than average amount of gun crime?
ITT midge thinks it's a groundbreaking revelation that the cost of freedom is people being able to also do dumb shit.
Ah so all those countries that don't have all these mass shootings are not free. Got it now thanks.

Highest per capita gun deaths is El Salvador. Those people must be free as absolute fuck.
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daily reminder that you're a failure at everything including keeping your family together
more or less shook than u were when your wife took your child from you? :lol: pathetic