Bicycle advice


Veteran XX
So the woman wants an easy/comfy bike for cruising around the neighborhood and short rides on the local bike path. We're getting older and her Trek isn't comfortable for her any longer. Back and knee issues on occasion. She wants something with a larger seat and more upright riding position.

I am thinking something like a geared beach cruiser, but my lack of knowledge on bikes makes me think I should ask around first before pulling any strings. What say you?
Go get a bike fit with her current bike. Make sure you use a hard seat and get padded bike shorts. If she has back problems it's probably just a bad fit or too aggressive a setup
yea fuck that bitch make her keep her old bike and tell her to suck it up

I showed her your post and she asked why you are so sour? :D

Also she has been letting her daughter use her Trek so its pretty much gone as they live an hour away.

This is a birthday gift anyway so not like I am spending extra cash. Would have spent around 3-5 hundred on her anyway.
Go get a bike fit with her current bike. Make sure you use a hard seat and get padded bike shorts. If she has back problems it's probably just a bad fit or too aggressive a setup

Most people have no clue how to adjust seat height, let alone the rest of it. Just raising the seat may be enough to help her knees.
How to Find Your Ideal Saddle Height - I Love Bicycling
Pedal goes under the ball of your foot when biking, not the arch or heel.

How to determine seat height
If you set the seat too low, you will tire quickly and put too much stress on your knees. Set it too high, however, and your hips will rock side to side reaching for the pedals with each stroke. So how do you determine the right seat height for your body?

The Heel Method

The most common way to adjust your seat height is to put your cycling shoes on put a pedal at the 6o’clock position (the bottom). Your heel should barely be able to touch at the bottom when your leg is fully extended. If you can easily reach make your saddle height higher. If you can’t touch the pedal lower the seat.

The above accepted guideline is a rough estimate as it does not take in to account an individuals “style”. For instance, what if you pedal with your toes pointing down? Then you would have to raise your saddle height to take that in to account; conversely, if you drop your heel then you will also have to drop the saddle height.

Good illustration on knee extension, but this goober isn't on the pedal correctly in either picture.
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Her Trek is a DS and if we raise the seat it will force her to bend more at the back. That is exactly what we are trying to avoid.

It will NOT work for what she wants.

She wants a more vertical riding position.

Lets make this easier.

We are getting a Beach cruiser. What's a good comfy easy to ride one?
Try a higher rise stem?

Beach cruisers are ok, but they are intended for short distances. Most people pick a bike they can sit on and touch the ground with both feet. This usually ends up being a smaller bike than they can comfortably ride too far. Smaller bikes have a shorter top tube and shorter parts.

Get to a reputable bike shop nearby, they can help you more than a bunch of goobers on the internet. Prices are comparable to walmart junk.
Try a higher rise stem?

Beach cruisers are ok, but they are intended for short distances. Most people pick a bike they can sit on and touch the ground with both feet. This usually ends up being a smaller bike than they can comfortably ride too far. Smaller bikes have a shorter top tube and shorter parts.

Get to a reputable bike shop nearby, they can help you more than a bunch of goobers on the internet. Prices are comparable to walmart junk.


Sounds like she needs a higher stem and not a whole new bike if she just wants a more upright position

If u wanna get her a new one then go for it but it can be solved no problem
She really wants a new bike. Pretty sure part of that is she wants to let her daughter keep the Trek. They are in their early 20's and very active so it's a good bike for her. New home recently as well so house poor at the moment. Helps out 2 people getting this.

i bought my old man a roll, hes in his late 70s and still going strong

they even make ones easy to step over to get on

can probably swap the seat for something else if its not comfortable enough

Looks like great bikes, but she'd kick my arse if I spent that much on her. We're saving for new home next year (cash only so no mortgage yay) and 2 week all inclusive this winter. Money really tight tight now. Oh yeah and the IRS is after me for some stocks I sold 2 years ago. :)

Want to find something like that but in the 300-500 range.
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Get her something like this, but electric. If it's just small time riding, prob like a 100-200Wh battery is more than sufficient. I tell people now to buy an electric bicycle because it'll get you on the thing more often, even if you aren't always sweating your balls off. You'll still end up doing more than if you get a regular egg scrambler.

Get her something like this, but electric. If it's just small time riding, prob like a 100-200Wh battery is more than sufficient. I tell people now to buy an electric bicycle because it'll get you on the thing more often, even if you aren't always sweating your balls off. You'll still end up doing more than if you get a regular egg scrambler.

I have looked at a few, but price wise they are mostly out of our range.

If she could wait a year after we get the new house I wouldn't have a budget. She likes making my life difficult.
yeah might need craigslist for that price range and get lucky

the old Roll version is being sold directly from that link for 800. maybe some local bike shops have some discounted beyond that, or comparable bikes that are cheaper
anything new in that range will be a massive pile of crap

check craigslist nearby

Yeah, go to a bike shop and get her fitted, take a tape measure, and make note of the seat tube, and top tube lengths. EZ Pawn near you has a ton of nice bikes, just get something that measures close to what they fit her with.

Seat tube length isn't as important because you can get a really tall seat post, but a few inches difference in top tube length can make a bike un-ridable.

How tall is she by the way? Women usually have longer legs and shorter torso's then men the same height. Some companies make bikes with shorter top tubes specifically for women, but it's usually solved with a shorter, taller handlebar stem.
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Just got done talking to her and we'll hit up a local bike shop thats been around 40 years. See what we can figure out. More I read the more I really do not wanna order something off the internet. Like you're saying comfort is all about getting the right fit and I am no pro to guess.

She's about 5'8".