[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

I like the theory that they are just trying to create another right wing riot to fan the Jan 6th flames before midterms. Wouldn’t be surprised if the Trump cultist fall for it again.

Might as well try reading something truthful about today.

It's not a hard decision

You can whine and complain about me all you want you made the decision to backstab the motherland and you are the one that is embarrassed and running with your tail behind your legs avoiding it and only you can fix it by moving back

Move back or be considered an enemy of the state & socialist I'm done letting you treat our country like a doormat
Another election they can't hold back. Hopefully, eventually we will find out how much Joe Kent really won by when we subtract the cheating that was done.
Ignore the deep state charades. We will overwhelm them.

Joe Kent declared winner WA

In Washington state’s 3rd Congressional District, Joe Kent has defeated incumbent republican Jaime Herrera Beutler, who voted to impeach President Trump...
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I like the theory that they are just trying to create another right wing riot to fan the Jan 6th flames before midterms. Wouldn’t be surprised if the Trump cultist fall for it again.

What do you think the ratio of Trump cultist / Antifa plants trying to make Trump cultists look bad is going to be?
Looking forward to severed claiming it was Trump's plan all along to bait the FBI into his house, and expose them for planting documents.