Loco Hombre Off the Mexico

Good reasons! The Scorpion will be a great fun board to have for many conditions, but especially good for those days of sloppy small surf. If I was to add it to my quiver, I'd probably go for an 8'2' in that shape, already having the 7'5" MotE... hmm you have me thinking about it

Severed will probably never get to see it, but I bought my Takayama Scorpion board today. I just returned from a few weeks in Byron Bay and I felt inspired to own more boards!

7' in a beautiful old school caramel colour with darker toffee coloured rails :hungry:

Took it out straight away and got some nice waves, going again tomorrow morning.

Similar to this, but nicer.


You should have taken more horse paste u know SantaClaude :lolque:
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oh r u talking about the ppl who say nexting killed tribalwar gaming news while in the same thread (sometimes same fking post) they say that tw should have everybody's personal info out in the open b/c white ppl must lose their jobs, wives and lives 4 posting white ppl shit like "it's ok to be white"?
well i told u guys when irc got killed that discord was fking evil and basically 4 terrorists and we should regroup and re-irc

this is wat u get 4 making fun of me
it's probably what killed him. yours will kill you nicer

Possibly it is a nice surfboard that is the trigger.

My throat was a bit scratchy after surfing yesterday, again after the beach today, also a bad headache.

I just did a rapid test and I have the rona....

Hope I don't do a Severed :dapimp:

Just in case I do, all the best to you all, thanks for all the fish :sunny: :angel:
the more you look like a seal, the greater the odds.

Victim of central California shark attack is identified

MORRO BAY, Calif. (AP) — A man killed by a Christmas Eve shark attack in central California was visiting family and had decided to go boogie boarding, friends and family members said.

Tomas Butterfield, 42, of Sacramento was killed Friday morning in Morro Bay near Morro Bay State Beach, a spokesman for California State Parks confirmed to the San Luis Obispo Tribune...

..The shark was likely a great white, Morro Bay Harbor Director Eric Endersby said.


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