Battlefield 2042 reveal trailer

This sounds like it will be kind of silly game with many players. Can't imagine what would be more fun these days.

Changing gun attachments in game is going to devolve into people just sitting around behind a box ect before they enter a building so they can switch to their close quarters loadout. People will get autistic about it and the game will slow down.

The gameplay trailer will be out this Sunday. I bet this game will be a fun one. Lets see. There has to be a big public beta near launch to test the servers. With a game this big there has to be a public beta.
the latest battlefields have players moving around and spinning around too fast

battlefield is supposed to be about methodical forest logging with C4
I just skimmed through the video looking for ingame footage (some hud) and didn't see any. Once the game is released and has been out for a while, then I will look into it. Let the early birds do the final testing before investing.
I think them switching it up with specialists all having a unique skill and all weapons nog being restricted to certain classes anymore is a cool twist. It makes for great class building possibilities. I don't think people will sperg out on the gun attachments that much though. Most will just build a versatile class and get on with it.

They're also working on a bunch of new game modes. Honestly i'm just hoping it'll come with a lot of game modes and it being supported in the same way CoD and other games have been. As in constantly adding new content and game modes.

All in all we just gotta wait and see, but they did skip releasing a battlefield game last year so they could put an extra year of development into this game. Plus there have been three or four studios working on the game so they've definitely put in more effort this time around. Not preordering either and knowing EA / Dice the period around release will be a shithow anyway but apart from that i'm cautiously optimistic.
It seems like in previous iterations of the franchise they feigned an aesthetic somewhat grounded in a sense of reality... but clearly here, with BF2042 they just said fuck-it and fully embraced the outlandish arcade action of their cartoon world.

I think their art director is color blind... or a wannabe Hollywood B-movie action director. I don't really understand the appeal of the exaggerated color and gamut shifts in the environments. Like everything is now greyish/blue and now it's orange, then everything is brown.
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I really didn't like the parts where it was covered in all red either tbh.

So far E3 has been kinda disappointing in general. Stalker 2 looks pretty cool though.

Yeah came here to post it. Had expected a bit more graphics wise but we'll see. :)


It's the same graphics as BF4 :lol:
well it has to run on 8-year old PS4 hardware that came out around the same time as BF4, so what do you expect?

ps5 supply will probably be low enough that we won't see major next-gen only games until 2023.