So I found out that keto constipation is a thing...


Veteran XX
...the hard way!

Yes it is.

Most in the keto community are hardcore set against anything other than 'keto' foods.

eat some salad for the fiber and roughage to help digestion, drink lots of water. You don't want that get too back up or you're going to know the general feeling of giving birth
Oatmeal/banana/water - mid morning
vary vitamins/handful of nuts

wtfever i want to eat at night

poop every morning talking to TW
Yes it is.

Most in the keto community are hardcore set against anything other than 'keto' foods.

eat some salad for the fiber and roughage to help digestion, drink lots of water. You don't want that get too back up or you're going to know the general feeling of giving birth
I drink plenty of tea during the day, so I think I'm fine on the water front. Lack of fibre is more likely. I'm doing the whole keto + fasting thing, small breakfast, no lunch, some light snack in the evening. Proportionally plenty of vegetables (steamed broccoli/brussel sprouts is my go-to), but I suspect that because I generally eat very little, it's just not enough.

I'm thinking of adding raw rhubarb + custard to my diet. The lack of sweets is starting to get to me, and as sweets go, custard is fairly low in carbs. And then the rhubarb is an additional source of fibre, plus it's a slight laxative anyway. We'll see how that goes.
If you're eating breakfast and having an evening snack, you're doing fasting wrong.
I had that concrete in your stomach pressure/pain one time and it was horrendous. I tried laxatives and such to no avail. Wet shits and a fucked stomach. Now my body adjusts quickly even if I go off the rails. 8 and 16 fasting plus keto ftw.