[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

President Retard getting the international respek he deserves while domestically allegations of rape by women, children, and the elderly make him more electable to christians
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President Retard getting the international respek he deserves while domestically allegations of rape by women, children, and the elderly make him more electable to christians

since when was creepy joe biden elected?


You really are a piece of shit fucking moron

Orange fan mad

Lawsuit Charges Donald Trump with Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl
Katie Johnson had named Trump and billionaire Jeffrey Epstein in a $100 million lawsuit, accusing them of having solicited sex acts from her at sex parties held at the Manhattan homes of Epstein and Trump back in 1994 (when Johnson was just 13 years old):

Hes sexually attracted to his own daughter, what a piece of shit fucking retard :lol:

Democrats add 'gay reparation' to costly schemes that extort warring tribes - Washington Times

Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts has added another gem to her tree of free stuff and revenge. During Gay Pride Month, she apparently believes the gay community is greedy, selfish and could be relied upon to think only of themselves. Pandering opportunists must think those things of all their targets, otherwise what could they offer?

“Citing a tax code that was ‘discriminatory’ against non-heterosexual married couples, Warren tweeted Saturday, ‘It wasn’t until marriage equality became law that gay & lesbian couples could jointly file tax returns — so they paid more in taxes. Our government owes them more than $50M for the years our discriminatory tax code left them out. We must right these wrongs,’ ”.

Democrats guaranteeing Trump in 2020 since 2016
In 2024, I hope Trump's KIDS run. The left wants a woman president, we can give you one.

It's a question of whether Trump and family want to put up with all the BS of dealing with the media or go back to the private world of making tons of money.
The media won't leave him alone after 2024, they want more investigations, so he might as well let a family member run for office and stay involved by tweeting.
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