[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Someone posted this in another group I visit, and they borrowed it from somewhere else so I cannot cite the OP, but damn if it isn't the best summary of the left's insanity I have ever read.

I suspect most of our resident TDS folks will not be able to read something this long because it isn't coming from CNN and Don Lemon, but maybe I am wrong.

:sky screeching:

It’s funny, I travel to CA a lot and get asked if people in KY are super racist. Uh, not really, no. The insularity of CA is insane.

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anudda gr8 fukn day 2 fuk wit pussyass liberal demoRAT progressiv betta off ded fukn l0s3rz n if ya aint doin it u yus a whyte trash fukn pussyass l0s3r yus lykkem smdh lol :jester:
u kno, this is like reading a sox/yanks thread in 2003 (except baseball, unlike politics, actually happens 2b meaningful enough to justify the impassioned internet arguments)
Not true, I read it and realized that it was a conglomeration of an old old off TW post from ? and some new ideas recentlyadded on from ?. Doesn't make it any less relevant and not ring true...

Reading must be some miraculous difficult thing to achieve or do; what a struggle for the Global Socialists
I think Dan Crenshaw is starting to look like he might be a solid choice for POTUS some day. He seems pretty straight forward, seems like an honest guy, down to earth. He comes off as a very personable, common sense person
when Crenshaw called that faggot pete Davidson to make sure he hadn't offed himself, even after Davidson made fun of him on SNL and was forced to apologize, just shows you what kind of a dude he is

he'd get my vote any day of the week