[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Proud Boys Wristband Tattoo (Black) PB MERCH

You mean the indian whose ancestors got destroyed by whitey?

well maybe it's two parts:

those honkeys who wiped them out are now in decline that he cheers and wishes for (open borders will see to it)


is in complete disbelief that these redneck / hillbilly descendants (his lessers, duh) are the people who wiped his out many moons ago

he's a racist, a bigot, and a hypocritical fraud

to each his own /shrug
hey guys lets use FB to meet up and swap strats what culd go wrong?? hey who is posting all the scat porn?
When the japs said they feared the sleeping giant they were not talking about beaners and blacks.. they were talking about white people.

You dem/left/faggots woke the giant and his name is Proud Boy
might be time to move out of the US

this works good so long as you can ensure that:

a) your concept of the enemy matches the enemy you're actually fighting and:

b) your concept of the enemy is diametrically opposed enough to fight against similar forces

if your assumption falls outside of these boundaries then.... i'll just wait for a lullabye story