[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

The AR chick wants to arm wrestle him for the 2nd amendment :lol:
She carried an AR-10 around a campus famous for a bloody massacre and now she wants to arm wrestle Florida high school shooting survivor David Hogg for the Second Amendment.

Kaitlin Bennett came to Internet fame for taking a celebratory stroll around campus carrying a semi-automatic rifle after her graduation from Kent State University. And the 22-year-old libertarian gun-rights activist's latest viral tweet came in the form of a challenge to David Hogg, one of the most vocal survivors of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas shooting to demand gun control.

Bennett threw down the gauntlet on Sunday (the day of Hogg's graduation), challenging Hogg to an arm-wrestling contest. The stakes: The fate of the Second Amendment.

"I have a challenge for you @davidhogg111," Bennett said in her tweet. "Let's arm wrestle. If I win, we get to keep the 2nd amendment. If you win, we turn in our guns. Deal?"

The questionable constitutionality of Bennett's challenge aside, it doesn't look like Hogg is interested in accepting the wager. He has not responded to her post despite taunting tweets from Bennett, including a tweet with a photo of Hogg reading, "It's alright guys, the 2nd amendment is safe."

"Still waiting on @davidhogg111 to accept my arm wrestle challenge," Bennett tweeted later Sunday. "C'mon twig arms, you win you take our guns, I win we keep the 2nd amendment."

She also shared the results of a poll from the libertarian group Liberty Hangout where 90% of the respondents said Bennett would defeat Hogg in an arm wrestling match.

:lol: what a timeline, folks
I haven't looked it up but I would wager that Don likes the worm. I do too. Fascinating dude and on one of my all time favorite sports teams.
a picture taken at a public high school in California today.


great propaganda and indoctrination program


CNN contributor April Ryan backtracks after claiming Trump was booed at White House event

Ryan tweeted just after noon that it was confirmed by reporters that Trump was “heckled and booed” when he appeared on the South Lawn.

This is not true. There was a protester who shouted at Trump and was booed. https://t.co/6zOSCifHFi
— Noah Gray (@NoahGrayCNN) June 5, 2018

You said you “confirmed” it. All of your confirmations are fair to second guess. Hope it was worth it :—
— John G. Alt (@Zenebriated) June 5, 2018

So basically, you tweeted out a lie, intimated that it was breaking news, and...oops?
— Josh McIntire (@JoshMcIntire72) June 5, 2018

Your original tweet contained the language "confirmed by reporters."Granted, these days that's not saying much. Still, it was not confirmed, it was just another one of @CNN's #FakeNews lies. Glad you deleted the original, FINALLY. I hope your WH press credentials are revoked.
— BernersForTrump (@SeattleBern) June 5, 2018
Conservatism favors free market ideals which allow smart and hard working people to become wealthy. "seeks to divide, fears diversity, promotes aggression" are all completely bullshit projection from liberals. Promoting ignorance? More like not promoting make believe, like 67 different genders. Resisting progress? More like resisting the slow march to communism.

The left favors diversity that is only skin deep, indoctrination not education, and they are the ones that start fights at marches. Which side was burning trash cans at berkely and hitting people in the head with bike locks?
Conservatism favors free market ideals which allow smart and hard working people to become wealthy. "seeks to divide, fears diversity, promotes aggression" are all completely bullshit projection from liberals. Promoting ignorance? More like not promoting make believe, like 67 different genders. Resisting progress? More like resisting the slow march to communism.

The left favors diversity that is only skin deep, indoctrination not education, and they are the ones that start fights at marches. Which side was burning trash cans at berkely and hitting people in the head with bike locks?

And yet the most successful companies on the planet have the most diverse workforces. Funny how that works.