Teh Gerald R. Ford Supercarrier - Mankind's First!

:shrug: WW2? The last time there was a 'superpower war'? As to why they're building carrier fleets.. I dunno, why was Japan still building super-battleships into WW2? I'm not trying to suggest that they're wrong for doing so, but just because someone's going ahead with a particular strategy doesn't necessarily make it a good one. Besides - it shouldn't be news to anyone that military construction contracts aren't necessarily always that pure in their goals.

As for unmanned aerial combat... Maybe it'll take that long, maybe not. I'm thinking that with the F-35 we're probably seeing the last generation of aircraft where manned fighters are the primary platform, and that raises another question...

The planned build for the F-35 sees the USMC picking up 340, the USN only 80. (Edit: mistake: those 80 I attributed to the USN are actually -C variants for the Marines. USN has 260 Cs in total.. that's a significant change from my original numbers, though the Marines still have a bunch more JSFs than Navy does) With a planned 10 Ford class ships, it's no great leap of logic to see that they're still going to be using the Hornet an awful lot until they can sort their act out on their F/A-XX hopes, while the America class LHCs are flying Gen 5 JSFs. So realistically, the USMC is going to have the superior air capability for quite a while.

So why take out a $13bn floating airport to launch planes, when you can send out a $3bn one that launches better ones?

The USN has some really hard questions to figure out over the next few years. I don't envy their strategists.

As far as UAVs go, we have a very long way to go. The first that is going to happen in a major conflict other than the end of the world, is that satellites will be targeted and destroyed. UAVs are completely useless right now without a satellite uplink. Until we can develop an AI that can fly and fight on its own you're not going to see UAVs take over major combat operations.

LHD/LHAs are great, but are severely hampered by their size, speed, and logistics. Not to mention it's a flat bottom boat meant for near shore operations. Carriers don't need fuel, they don't need much of anything. There's a lot of missions and capabilities that the JSF doesn't have. A lot of people are skeptical if it is even capable of filling the role it is being forced into. It's an abortion of a project.

Just to clarify, the C version is the one with a lot of the issues, which is why the Navy has cut back on purchasing them. There's a big call in the Navy to just build more Hornets.
How many jobs did the government provide in building that carrier? Or do we not care about that either?

People always want to bitch about the military industrial complex, but it provides jobs to millions of people, good paying jobs they wouldn't have otherwise.
^ That is simply not true. Ever read/hear about the Broken Window Fallacy?

Simply put: we do not need a new super-carrier. Technology is changing so fast by the time they finish building this waste of money, they will have to build a new one. Drones are advancing so fast right now that its only a matter of time until they too shrink in size, to the point where we could build a drone carrier submarine and only surface to launch some drones.

Modern submarines counteract magnetic anomalies with degaussing, you mouth breathing welfare leech. Don't they teach this shit to you naval grunts? I guess knowing about it would shatter your propaganda. :lol:
:rofl: Say's the socialist - where there is no such thing as private property and the government controls all the means of production; from cradle to grave, everything will come from the government, everyone will be a "mouth breathing welfare leech", and there is nothing you can do about it.
I think people like samuwell should absolutely be forced to labor all day long, have all of their belongings confiscated and get raped by an appointed ombudsman every single day until they die.
I think people like samuwell should absolutely be forced to labor all day long....
I've worked manual labor for more than you can imagine. I've worked in the construction industry most of my adult life. I know what it feels like to not be able to do anything when i get home because i worked like a machine. The faster/harder i worked, the sooner i can get to the next job and the more money i made. I know hard work.

Now the rape part, i will leave that to you, to explain...
Russia be taking care of absent soon. Sweden instituted the draft already because they are scared shitless. absent falls with them.
I don't see how a carrier group can defend itself against micro nukes or a sky filled with 1000's of cheap drones, maybe made of plastic, some just floating a few feet below the water's surface.

At any rate the US has 12, the rest of the world maybe 5?

How many jobs did the government provide in building that carrier? Or do we not care about that either?

People always want to bitch about the military industrial complex, but it provides jobs to millions of people, good paying jobs they wouldn't have otherwise.
Equivalent dollars spent in the private sector would result in 8-10x more jobs. So the "jobs" argument is fails and bsfull. Try to keep your lies to yourself, tia.

You realize it takes close to 150,000 people to build an aircraft carrier right?
Yea someone in a factory made a bolt, someone else made a hand railing ...

You must be desperate to spew such tripe. lol @ justifying this insanity cause "it creates jobs." There's much better ways to do that, the op listed 72,000 different ways.

But $13Bn is just a drop in a $700fukn Bn budget that costs a household like mine about $200/wk. At a modest 7% return over 30 years this is over $500,000.

At that rate, I'll take much higher oil prices and fuk you guys out of your terror toys. It saves me bank.

But ur a fascist and u don't even know it.
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Srsly anyone who doesn't think we could have used that money for something more beneficial is smoking the crack pipe.
I don't see how a carrier group can defend itself against micro nukes or a sky filled with 1000's of cheap drones, maybe made of plastic, some just floating a few feet below the water's surface.

At any rate the US has 12, the rest of the world maybe 5?

You shoot it down shortly after launch. We have BMD ships and installations all over the globe.

Equivalent dollars spent in the private sector would result in 8-10x more jobs. So the "jobs" argument is fails and bsfull. Try to keep your lies to yourself, tia.

Yea someone in a factory made a bolt, someone else made a hand railing ...

You must be desperate to spew such tripe. lol @ justifying this insanity cause "it creates jobs." There's much better ways to do that, the op listed 72,000 different ways.

But $13Bn is just a drop in a $700fukn Bn budget that costs a household like mine about $200/wk. At a modest 7% return over 30 years this is over $500,000.

At that rate, I'll take much higher oil prices and fuk you guys out of your terror toys. It saves me bank.

But ur a fascist and u don't even know it.

and in this part you have no idea how government contracts work, congratulations.
Actually you are the moron and that idiot arsin/ellen
It costs my family $200/wk. over $500,000 over my lifetime to give you a jerb and this is the thanks I get :ugh:

You need to be sent back to the unemployment line.

All but Israel i'm sure.
You'll have to include Jordan ($1Bn) and Egypt ($1.8Bn) who also get paid off to be peaceful to Israel, which means that they must keep their borders closed to the Palestinkians.