[BItchDubai] British tourist arrested after being gang raped in Dubai

“It’s against the law to live together, or to share the same hotel room, with someone of the opposite sex to whom you aren’t married or closely related,” the advice states.
yeah, well in canada sodomy is still against the law

sure nobody enforces that law.....but it is there

You'd think when your popo is called The Mounties they wouldn't give a shit what hole you fucked.

So - since the definition of sodomy includes oral copulation - can you go to jail for a BJ in Canuckistan?
couple of things
1st off women are sex objects and rape isnt a real crime
2nd off blacks should all die anyways so thats a shit argument
No 25 yr old british girl goes there for a holiday.

She was a prostitute who didn't get paid and decided to try to get those guys in trouble.

Everyone knows you can rape hookers in Dubai and get away with it b/c they get stoned to death for reporting it. This is why Mitch lives there, they are also holding his wife's passport as she has undergone many similar experiences.
sweet mitch is back

as he slips into an alcoholic stupor I'm sure his posts will get a bit better than that last one
small business owner vs. paper pusher in the desert


For "small business owner", read "legalised con artist in frozen wasteland"

For "paper pusher in the desert" read "team of 600 in one of the most amazing cities on earth"

Tweaks his own. Tomayto, Tomarto, and so on.
mitch is this true

How the fuck would I know? The media, and especially the British gutter press, go fucking mental every time Dubai gets a mention and embellish the shit out of every story that makes Dubai look bad. Reports I have seen are that there were 2 guys involved, so straight away "gangraped" is already an exaggeration. On the other hand there's no smoke without fire, so I guess something kicked off. Reality is we will never know.
Eh, I'm proud of my business acumen. I started my business in my mid 20s and within 6 years it was in a state where I have to do very little on a daily basis. In the process, I basically single handedly built up the supplement/fitness industry in this country. Midge couldn't do that. He can work for some privileged, inbred Arab sheikh and that's about it.