[SO] The government is shut down...

am I supposed to be appalled that they planned this? or something? I mean, who doesn't have backup plans in place?

Not really. Partisan zombies generally could care less about 800,000+ being out of work or costing the economy several billion dollars if it means they get what they want.

You know, the one good thing coming out of this situation is that people are starting to realize it takes more than voting every 4 years to participate in an effective government.
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I care so much about those people that I want someone else to be forced to adopt them as dependents with their tax money (but not mine).

That's how much Obama and I care. Be it when we give them more welfare, social services, extend unemployment, or create stimulus public works programs that literally throws money at them.
Didn't you claim to be a Republican or something at one time? Or that you voted for Romney or something?

This is an election strategy that is still evolving. Don't expect big Republican losses in the election in 2014 though. Most districts are already 'decided'.

Yeah, I believe in Republicans core principles. I'm sure as shit not a democrat.

You just revealed how much of a partisan hack you are - assuming that my view is somehow flawed because at one point I claimed to be a republican.

You, and the people like you on the left, are exactly what's wrong with our country. You're stupid partisan hacks unable to objectively view any situation without first determining which side has the D and which has the R, so that you can be guided to which viewpoint you're supposed to uphold.
Oh....so you are one of those might makes right people.

Nope, I'm one of those... we have a democratic/republic process for a reason, and one side is unhappy with the results so they're acting like petulant children people.

ACA is looking more and more like a fucking disaster, but this isn't how you fix it. This is sad and pathetic.
ACA is looking more and more like a fucking disaster, but this isn't how you fix it. This is sad and pathetic.

I think this is part of the bigger picture. This is part of a political strategy for next election. The ACA has not been going well and it will probably fail, even Democrats are saying it will fail. The Republicans can say they wanted to get rid of it before it was too late, but the Democrats... stopped them at every turn. Meanwhile the Republicans are trying to pass smaller bills funding the government and the Democrats are now blocking those attempts which flips it around on them.

It's the usual political backstabbing and bullshit that happens in DC.
I think this is part of the bigger picture. This is part of a political strategy for next election. The ACA has not been going well and it will probably fail, even Democrats are saying it will fail. The Republicans can say they wanted to get rid of it before it was too late, but the Democrats... stopped them at every turn. Meanwhile the Republicans are trying to pass smaller bills funding the government and the Democrats are now blocking those attempts which flips it around on them.

It's the usual political backstabbing and bullshit that happens in DC.

Those smaller bills are designed to fund programs to prevent backlash from their strategy, and anyone with half a brain sees that and sees why that shouldn't be done.

The republicans made a terrible calculation. If this continues until the 15th and furloughed employees start having checks delayed, the backlash is going increase exponentially.
Nope, I'm one of those... we have a democratic/republic process for a reason, and one side is unhappy with the results so they're acting like petulant children people.

ACA is looking more and more like a fucking disaster, but this isn't how you fix it. This is sad and pathetic.

I agree with you that this isn't going to alter the outcome of the ACA. That this shutdown is an act of futility. It isn't going anywhere.

That even their concession for a 2% tax removal on new medical devices is going to do jack fucking squat to help Americans out of this monstrosity of an idea. At best it is intended as yet another corporate giveaway......which I do not doubt is the only real intention of any politician in office today.

We don't have elections.......we have auctions. Our politicians are all owned by some mix of corps and special interests.

With that said.....

Automatically raising the debt ceiling, being apathetic to constantly increased spending/borrowing, passing pork laden budgets, isn't the way out of new debt and a massive national deficit.......but that's exactly what we do year after year. That's our only path. That's why it is nice for me to see something new. Even if it isn't going to matter in the big picture or I don't agree with the reasoning.

We kick the can down the road in hopes that someone else will be forced to do something about it in the future.......with no other plan or intention in sight.

Until someone stands their ground nothing will change. I don't see any good guys out there as much as self serving spoiled pigs......and that's on all sides of politics. But I do see someone standing their ground and that I very much enjoy right now.

A do nothing Congress is often an insulting term......but for me it is the best thing I can ask for since I feel almost everything they do is either a bad idea or is designed to inherently fuck the American people.
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You have a nice little rant there that I generally agree with, though there seems to be this sudden neglect of the fact the bush tax cuts, the wars, and the recent recession have caused a huge explosion in our debt and that those are't (or at least weren't) regular occurrences, it has nothing to do with the republicans current tactic of shutting down the government.

It also has nothing to do with the debt ceiling.

It also ignores current projections that the debt to gdp ratio has stabilized, meaning we can actually now do something about if we'd stop with the pissing contests, and only focuses on 25+ year projections which are essentially useless because 25 years is a long fucking time.

The number of people in this country that don't understand what the function of the debt ceiling is, given how often we've had to discuss it, is absolutely astounding. Those people shouldn't be allowed to vote.
You have a nice little rant there that I generally agree with, though there seems to be this sudden neglect of the fact the bush tax cuts, the wars, and the recent recession have caused a huge explosion in our debt and that those are't (or at least weren't) regular occurrences, it has nothing to do with the republicans current tactic of shutting down the government.

As ICFire would say.....the group holding back the budget today do not even have the blessing of the majority of the Republican party anymore. There is a major divide in the party that hasn't been resolved since the last primary election. There is a power struggle occurring between the Old Guard and the more Liberty minded politicians. Between the Ron Paul's and the Romney's.......the Rand Paul's and the McCain's. It is hard to compare this group to the one that had such reckless fiscal abandonment in the past.

The other group is indistinguishable from most of your Democrats (beside blue dogs) on anything but social conservative issues....

And in regards to it not being a regular occurrence I would disagree. Our economy goes through a new credit boom and bust at least every decade. S&L.....to Dot Com....To Housing bubble. Bigger ones every 50 or so years.

The classic Keynes vs. Heyek debate.

(This one is thanks to Nighttrain)

It's all but a direct product of our economy with a centralized banking system being behind the wheel. We are on the verge of another one as we speak.....which would have happened either way but might preemptively occur in part do to this shutdown.

Actually a great watch.......

It also has nothing to do with the debt ceiling.

It also ignores current projections that the debt to gdp ratio has stabilized, meaning we can actually now do something about if we'd stop with the pissing contests, and only focuses on 25+ year projections which are essentially useless because 25 years is a long fucking time.

The number of people in this country that don't understand what the function of the debt ceiling is, given how often we've had to discuss it, is absolutely astounding. Those people shouldn't be allowed to vote.

I'm not sure if the Debt to GDP argument is so great when our government is now responsible for 40% of our yearly GDP and is buying 60+% of the treasury bills/bonds it is creating.

The only countries further in debt than we are........are also far more fucked than we are. So I'm not sure how convincing of an argument this really is. That because we are obviously over our head we could afford to be further into the hole before worrying about it. This is analogous to listening to someone who is falling behind on their current mortgage payments talking about how they could probably buy a second home. I'm honestly not sure if it is more scary or insane.


raising debt ceiling does not increase our debt

Just a few weeks ago. What a difference an election makes for not just a Presidential candidate......but his undying supporters.

Trying to spend our way out of debt could be the dumbest fucking idea ever and far surpasses any lack of understanding someone might have about the debt ceiling IMO. It's the next best thing to having to apply for new credit cards to escape from old credit card debt.
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Here's what's gonig to happen.

The republicans are going to lose and lose big.

Likely it'll effect the outcome of another election where the fringe cause them to shoot themselves in the foot and force moderates across the line.

This is not how you legislate, this is a petulant child throwing a tantrum due to them not getting their way.
who is more intolerable, captain tele or validuz?

Lol tele used to get his paycheck from the US GOVT courtesy of the hard working taxpayers like you and I. He is just a giant fucking hypocritical meber who gets ass hurt when you tell him the truth about his pseudo libertarian bullshit.
hard working......nigga please.

you aint worked a day in your fucking life son. Hence the reason you need to swing from a black mans dick, for free, in hopes that you will ever have anything in your life.

you also don't know shit about me :lol:

but we know plenty enough to see through your endless hypocrisy and lies

two terms as the rap listening white kids would say
hard working......nigga please.

you aint worked a day in your fucking life son.

You dont even know what I do for a living cause im not stupid enough to post it on an internet forum where an ass dragger like you leaves his shit streaked panties out to dry where everyone else can see.

I hope you gave back every dime of tax money you sucked out of our government from your welfare daycare attendance. Otherwise everyone would agree youre the worst type of hypocrite on this shit hole corner of the internet where you pretend to be a libertarian.
I hope you gave back every dime of tax money you sucked out of our government from your welfare daycare attendance. Otherwise everyone would agree youre the worst type of hypocrite on this shit hole corner of the internet where you pretend to be a libertarian.

I hope you die in a war for illusive WMD in Syria. Get ass fucked by the TSA and DHS by some of Owebama's NSA. Spend the rest of your life in Guitmo via the NDAA. Get stuck by a drone missile and your retarded family has to pay for the doubling of the national deficit that your godking has blessed us with.

You know......all the things you used to cry about under Bush but suck a giant black dick over now.

But sadly nobody is going to get their way.

And in regards to hypocrisy try reading sometime.

Article I | U.S. Constitution | LII / Legal Information Institute

It spells out the duties that the federal government are supposed to have. :)

And Obamacare isn't in it........but military work is. Go fucking figure dumbfuck.
I hope you gave back every dime of tax money you sucked out of our government from your welfare daycare attendance. Otherwise everyone would agree youre the worst type of hypocrite on this shit hole corner of the internet where you pretend to be a libertarian.

Keep voting Democrat... they want to give your tax money away to more and more moochers in exchange for votes, broseph.

Why do you hate the poor? Think of the children!