G20 cop beats assault charge

Groove I will now give you advice that may benefit you in the future as you continue on the path of learning

if you see riot police in full gear

do not go there

martial arts masters always say it is easier to avoid a confrontation than to fight one

now i'm totally convinced me that there was a crazy, violent riot everywhere and that's justification for taking away everyones rights for a few days

the cops that took off their name tags were afraid that the terrorist black bloc would hunt them down and eat their babies

Yeah did anything I said at all have anything even remotely close to do with either of these two statements?

Didn't think so.

im making a checklist right now of stuff to stock up on just in case an international banker comes to town

Yeah maybe you should Mr. I can't grasp even the simplest of points. Can you predict natural disasters? No you can't? So yeah logically [since you're a fan of this whole logic thing] speaking everyone who has a surplus of supplies in case of emergencies must be overreacting and fucking idiots. Yeah fuck those guys for thinking ahead.

Prior Planning Prevents Piss-Poor Performance.
how long should i be prepared to stay inside in case police are in the area investigating a crime? a week or two max?

what gaming system do you recommend my parents buy me to occupy my time whenever a crime happens in the city?

this attitude feels great, if that multi-million dollar deal doesn't go through because someone needs some paperwork from downtown, fuckit i'll just sue my boss

damn it feels good to be so enlightened on how the world works

p.s. Rolo im not responding to you lol why are you wigging out im talking to my new mentor obibro
lmao Groove is really grasping at straws by now


why would you not respond to him

he's making you look easily as stupid as I'm making you look if not more
how long should i be prepared to stay inside in case police are in the area investigating a crime? a week or two max?

Not sure how this is relevant since it was a day and a half.

p.s. Rolo im not responding to you lol why are you wigging out im talking to my new mentor obibro

Because you make good points followed by really stupid ones.
no it's true he has a great point, everyone should have a full stock of everything they need for at least a few days and no one ever runs out of anything unexpectedly
if you are living in the downtown core of one of Canada's most expensive cities and you don't have enough shit in your apartment to last a day and a half because there's a riot going on and you really shouldn't go outside unless strictly necessary

you should probably die anyway
every point you make becomes continually more stupid

soon enough the stupid will envelop itself and form a black hole of idiocy

it will take the entire world with it

some retards just like to watch the world burn
no it's true he has a great point, everyone should have a full stock of everything they need for at least a few days and no one ever runs out of anything unexpectedly

I'm glad I finally drilled in the point that it was stupid to use the example of people needing stuff such as toilet paper [and to a lesser extent food] as a reason to enter a "riot" zone.

Edit: but seriously a day and a half even for food? Why would those people even own a fridge if they don't have a day and a half's worth of food?
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obviously they weren't going out for necessities

they were innocent shoppers out on a daily stroll among the charred wrecks of automobiles and smashed storefronts just window shopping all the latest Geox watches

then they were brutally rounded up by police because police are evil and there was no reason for it, we Canadians have fucking rights you know
alright time to have a smoke and try to put myself to bed finally, because if I don't I will be fucked tomorrow

and I haven't been laid in like three weeks so it's v important that tomorrow goes well because I am going insane lately

Groove, you're a goddamned retard

RoLo, you're alright

peace the fuck out
With all the damage being done to property in riots it's the best time to go used car shopping, you know because a brick thrown through a window dramatically decreases a car's value.

See Groove, a statement with no real logic.

See how similar it is to your toilet paper reference?
Rolo - on the serious tip, for a moment

i was downtown for work on Saturday, and it really wasn't a big deal. there was no riots. there was a brief period where a few people smashed a few windows on yonge street, which was closed off specifically for the path of the protestors. cops asked to search my bag when i got near king street. whatever.

there was no reason to fear getting randomly grabbed on your way home unless the cops were doing a horrible job of distinguishing threats from bystanders

lots of people just went outside to see what all the commotion was about @ the Esplanade - that's no legal reason to arrest them, or trump up charges

the girl i know went out earlier in the day when everything was fine, she came home at the wrong time, no one could have known the cops would choose to push the protest march onto her street to be kettled in the rain for hours

i agree that people should be prepared but there was no reason to think that the police would abandon reason and arrest people with obvious proof that they live nearby and weren't involved in the so called 'riot'
How is it me making a logical argument. I'm just pointing out the flaws in your "logical" argument.

pretty sure I already said I understood the aspect of people that live and/or work in the "riot zone" although you said it wasn't a riot.

Regardless I wonder what small percentage of people were caught in the crossfire due to not having enough food or toilet paper in the house to last a day and a half?

How is that for logical. Am I doing this right?

I have no idea what happened at G20, nor do I particularly care. I'm not even sure if the people you guys are discussing are protesters or just regular people who live and work there.

If it was all protesters, then this is a pretty big fuss about nothing. They accepted that risk when they decided to be there. But, Obi's still naive if he thinks bystanders can't get caught up in this kind of things by chance.

His fantasies of people going out during full blown riots are just ridiculous. City blocks during these things are usually pretty quiet and normal except for the ones a rally is currently marching through. People living and working there wouldn't have any idea what routes a march would be taking, so to expect an entire city to just shut down for the duration is just hopelessly naive. Boston shut down for ONE day during the marathon bombing and that cost businesses an estimated $300+ million.

I spent a day and night in jail for the one I was at years ago, but I was at least there by choice. The people who were walking in front of us when we turned onto their street were not. They basically had no chance to react before the police also turned into the street from the other end and blockaded it off. I watched as they were herded in with us under protest. Saw some people being denied medication (I think insulin for diabetes) later that night. Felt ashamed for getting them into that.

I suppose the cops could have taken the time to clear the street ahead of time, since it felt pre-planned and they were the ones herding us during the whole thing. But but they didn't, nor did they particularly seem to care who they rounded up.

This was peaceful, no property damage was to be allowed and we self policed. Even had a permit to be doing what we were doing, but that didn't matter in the end as we were charged with "parading without a permit," this, after they tried and failed to come up with something better. None of it stuck of course, they knew they had no case.

The saddest part (and hilarious in retrospect) of this whole thing was the way the police got on the bullhorn after boxing us in on both ends of the block and yelled for us to disperse or be arrested. Of course they didn't actually let anyone who tried to do that to leave.
See that's the thing Groove, I am not arguing any of these valid points you bring up, not one. I am sure lots of people inadvertently got caught up in this just by coming home at the wrong time, or working/living there, wrong place at the wrong time kind of thing.

It's just you came off saying people who were not already in the wrong place at the wrong time went out and got themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time for things such as toilet paper or food.

Which is kind of ridiculous, as well as not having a day and a half's worth of either. I am sure there are people out there without common sense enough to buy toilet paper before they are on their last roll, or to have more than a day and a half's worth of food, but this is not the norm nor does it constitute any kind of relevant percentage of the people you're talking about.
also for those not from Toronto, the Esplanade was never a 'riot zone', its a sidestreet of mostly restaurants off of Yonge (where the protest path was). Yonge Street is the longest street in the world and basically every east/west street crosses Yonge, there was no way for the residents to predict that the cops would have chosen that particular street to kettle people on and it's nowhere near where the designated protest zones were
also for those not from Toronto, the Esplanade was never a 'riot zone', its a sidestreet of mostly restaurants off of Yonge (where the protest path was). Yonge Street is the longest street in the world and basically every east/west street crosses Yonge, there was no way for the residents to predict that the cops would have chosen that particular street to kettle people on and it's nowhere near where the designated protest zones were

Since I am nit-picking

Changes in provincial responsibility separated the now locally-funded and controlled Yonge Street from Highway 11 during the 1990s. As a result, Highway 11 does not start until Crown Hill just outside of Barrie, several kilometres north of where the name "Yonge Street" ends. The Guinness Book of World Records no longer lists Yonge Street as the longest street in the world, citing instead the Pan-American Highway as the world's longest "motorable road"

but yeah none of that nit-picking matters, you made your point.