G20 cop beats assault charge


you do realize why everyone thinks you are a complete loser right

and why the word entitled has been tossed around so much that it's likely lost meaning

a completely legitimate economic summit took place and adequate security was put into place to subdue and control the violent, and in many cases dangerous, irresponsible protests that took place. whether or not it was a hundred individuals or ten thousand, the police have procedures in place to ensure public safety and follow them regardless

for two days out of your entire life your plans may have been slightly disrupted because the government rightfully felt the need to enforce safety procedures in an area where storefronts were being smashed and riot police were being attacked

your rights as a Canadian citizen were very slightly adjusted for two days of your entire life and you still feel the need to bitch and moan about it two years later, despite the fact there are ten bigger issues in Canada that need addressing, let alone issues in the world at large

You are still paying tax to subsidize a decades old energy treaty with the States, Canadian soldiers are being sent to and dying in warzones they largely have no business being in, and yet for a single weekend once in your life your backpack got searched and you had to maybe go to a different bar, and this, this is why you hate police and the government.

this is the banner you rally behind and you wonder why everybody thinks you're a fucking entitled idiot
:rofl: type your name and any letter into the rep box for hilarious results

jesus there's like 20 per letter, who did this

the mayor of your fucking city just made headlines on every major international news outlet because he is a crack smoking racist asshole

but you're spending your time being butthurt because a few protesters got bruised shoulders in the middle of a violent riot two fucking years ago, and maybe some people got their backpacks searched, two years ago

you are seriously arsin level retarded

there is no other explanation for it

you are become arsin
adam mitter hamlord splitter might be my new favorite

hard to tell, there seems to be hundreds of these little rhymes and im only on H
I often wonder why Groove is so jealous of me

like if there is a point in your life where you're up at 4am literally taking the time to screencap tags of a person you've never met on an internet forum just because he made you look like a full retard on the internet

you should probably take another look at your life

arsin would be proud
i've moved onto lol'ing at tag rhymes because your argument is way too naive to even address at this point
god forbid she needed to go to a store to get toilet paper or something, should have made a checklist before the G20 - everyone knew the kettle would happen on the Esplanade weeks before anyways

speaking of naive arguments. I totally go and get toilet paper and even food in the house only when I am completely out. I don't think these type of people are even capable of using a checklist for such things.

Fuck what was that movie or tv show scene where the girlfriend/wife would put the empty carton of milk back in the fridge.
yup when ppl heard that a group of international bankers are coming to town they should have made a checklist of everything they might possibly need and then nailed all their doors shut for the weekend

you totally convinced me that beating the TTC guy going to work was justified with your super logical argument

thanks for enlightening me
yup when ppl heard that a group of international bankers are coming to town they should have made a checklist of everything they might possibly need and then nailed all their doors shut for the weekend

you totally convinced me that beating the TTC guy going to work was justified with your super logical argument

thanks for enlightening me

How is it me making a logical argument. I'm just pointing out the flaws in your "logical" argument.

pretty sure I already said I understood the aspect of people that live and/or work in the "riot zone" although you said it wasn't a riot.

Regardless I wonder what small percentage of people were caught in the crossfire due to not having enough food or toilet paper in the house to last a day and a half?

How is that for logical. Am I doing this right?
The only thing? How was the pizza dude gonna get through? Although, I suppose maybe he's not meant to if Obi hates his delivery guy.

I think you miss the point that I was just pointing out how I found his cable's out posts funny in the satellite/cable thread. I didn't really mean anything more than that.
now i'm totally convinced me that there was a crazy, violent riot everywhere and that's justification for taking away everyones rights for a few days

the cops that took off their name tags were afraid that the terrorist black bloc would hunt them down and eat their babies

im making a checklist right now of stuff to stock up on just in case an international banker comes to town