G20 cop beats assault charge

anyone who lives in that area wouldn't think twice about going across the street to one of the many restaurants, even if there were riots nearby

no one is going to figure that the cops would refuse to look at restaurant receipts or ignore the fact that your address is 85 Esplanade, right across the street

they think that worst case scenario, an officer uses his brain and arrests the correct person.

a person wearing pants smashed a window!

quick officer, arrest everyone in a 2 block radius wearing pants! charge them all with unlawful assembly! we'll sort it all out later

thats how the law works right?
im not sure what to say. i was in montreal almost every weekend last year and many weekdays working and i never ventured anywhere during the student marches...and those werent even riots.

even during the grand prix last summer i was basically herded onto a sidewalk and we were all the yuppy fans.

my stance is basically this: when shit turns violent even for a small subset of people, i understand cops going up a level of caution as well. they dont have the luxury to just assume everyone is peaceful...they have families too and dont feel like eating a brick. so where i see being overly cautious you see as being inflexible and overbearing.
you keep using the word 'riot'

a riot is LA after the Rodney King verdict

what happened in Toronto was less than 50 people smashing a few windows

it wasn't anywhere NEAR a riot

there was a 'riot' in Toronto in 1992, molotovs were thrown, thousands of people smashing everything on yonge street

now that's a riot

the G20 was a minor skirmish compared to that (or the LA riots)

i understand police being at a heightened awareness level, but in the case of the G20 they straight up ignored logic (and the law), arbitrarily beat and arrested people, and withheld basic human rights (like access to food and toilets)

i dont care how high the level of caution is, that doesn't mean the police get to ignore the law
I was in Toronto the weekend of the G20 summit, we avoided the area where the protests happened which wasn't hard because it was one section of one street. It was sort of strange being in Toronto on a Saturday during that time of year with nice weather and going to a movie with very few people on the street, most of the restaurants were closed in the city and there were people at the one we were at that spent 45 minutes driving around looking for one that was open.

People that got beat down were taking risks being in the area, we weren't going to go anywhere near protest locations, most people just stayed inside because of the fear of some terrorist attack.

The people that smashed windows and caused most of the problems were an organized group that were specifically there to do that, they weren't even there to protest.
lmao this thread got stupid as balls once Groove the retarded anti-cop joined in

fucking 1st world nation, literally the best reputation in the world for being a just and fair and liberal society, we absolutely have no bad record when it comes to bad policing

then a bunch of fucking liberal hipsters and anarchists decide to riot during a perfectly peaceful economic summit, the police do everything they are perfectly within rights to do to both subdue and contain the rioters, in every single case except "people are smashing storefronts and throwing bricks" they more or less just ask people to stay ten feet away and fuck off, and check the odd backpack or two, and then rioting and shit happens with obvious "civilian" accidents and suddenly COPS R BAD FUCK DA COPS DEY ABUSE DERE RIGHTS

like jesus christ do you even realize where the fuck you live

you are a white male living in goddamned fucking Canada

and you are complaining about police

seriously do you even for a single second understand how outrageously stupid and sandy vagina you sound
















grow the fuck up

for fuck sakes
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Groove you have conclusively proven over the past several pages that you have no legitimate point other than the fact you somehow believe deep down that Canadian police officers are evil

you're a fucking clown

move along
obobun if u dont enjoy the c ity y do u opinionate on it

u werent here for g20 it isnt as simple as ur making it u seem like a lonely dood if u want 2 make some good friend that dont judge every1 the toronto crowd of tw prolly where its at y u shitting on us
please tell me more about how hard it is to be a white male in one of the most free, just and liberal societies in the world

and how evil and corrupt the government and police forces are for fucking cancelling your night out that weekend

because there are storefronts being smashed and bricks being thrown at police officers

yeah you've got it fuckin hard bro, them police be crackin down all over your rights

jesus christ some of you need a brick to the head

obi theres tons of bad police reports here.

either that or you believe that somehow in canada, a different type of person is attracted to police work, and that they are all stunning examples of moral perfection.

i dont know what the fuck youre smoking

but youre out to lunch with this one.
obi theres tons of bad police reports here.

either that or you believe that somehow in canada, a different type of person is attracted to police work, and that they are all stunning examples of moral perfection.

i dont know what the fuck youre smoking

but youre out to lunch with this one.

nobody is saying police are perfect

but Canada has a pretty good fucking record

and a bunch of loser, entitled, liberal white ass "I haven't been laid and my job sucks" morons are going to go push the boundaries of the rights they barely even deserve to have, in the middle of what is basically a violent protest or a riotous weekend, when they literally have the freedom to be ANYWHERE BUT THERE

are going to shit all over the police forces for acting completely appropriately given the conditions

yeah, you're a fucking loser if you somehow believe this was an issue

storefronts smashed? police getting attacked? why not just take a goddamned walk into the middle of it and try to see a movie, because goddamn if I don't go out to the threatre this weekend instead of Monday night my life might be over, I'm such an entitled asshole, fuck the government, fuck the cops

seriously you have to be fucking autistic at some point to follow this train of thought

you might as well be goddamned arsin

oh wait who started this thread


check and mate, you fucking clowns
yeah people who live downtown should have rented a hotel in Barrie for a few days

you're seriously the most sheltered, naive person on TW

only someone who had spent his entire life in school can tell everyone in the entire city to 'go do something else somewhere else' for a few days

i mean not even Fenton, who gave the order for the kettle thinks it was a good idea now, and the police have never been dumb enough to blame their stupidity on 'you shouldn't have been in Toronto during the G20'
yeah people who live downtown should have rented a hotel in Barrie for a few days

you're seriously the most sheltered, naive person on TW

only someone who had spent his entire life in school can tell everyone in the entire city to 'go do something else somewhere else' for a few days

i mean not even Fenton, who gave the order for the kettle thinks it was a good idea now, and the police have never been dumb enough to blame their stupidity on 'you shouldn't have been in Toronto during the G20'

why don't you lock your fucking doors and stay inside all weekend

holy fucking shit when Skyrim or the last big game was released you probably did it fucking anyway, I guarantee there have been a half dozen times in your lifetime where nobody has seen you for two or three days because of some game

but because you're a goddamned entitled loser you want attention and you want to pretend like you're some significant individual and your rights are so important to everybody

here's a hint nobody gives a shit and you're a loser

if you can't take two days off for ONE TIME, and only ONE TIME in your ENTIRE LIFE IN TORONTO, and you somehow feel entitled to TWO DAYS out of TWENTY PLUS YEARS, because the fact is some heavy shit is going on around you, you're either a fucking moron or you're looking for attention

so are you retarded or are you such a loser you need to seek attention any way society will give it to you

up 2 u bro
seriously you realize you are on the same side as arsin

this fact alone should end this fucking argument instantly

if at any time you find yourself on the same side as a creepy autistic crazy loser, you might need to reconsider your opinion
honestly, the only way obidum believes what he's saying is if he has no idea what happened during the G20, didn't read the OIPRD report and is basing his opinions on the one picture that spread around a lot with the cop car on fire
So I hear people are getting raped and killed in the park.

Well, shit, they probably deserve it. That park is dangerous and nobody should go there.
why don't you lock your fucking doors and stay inside all weekend

holy fucking shit when Skyrim or the last big game was released you probably did it fucking anyway, I guarantee there have been a half dozen times in your lifetime where nobody has seen you for two or three days because of some game

but because you're a goddamned entitled loser you want attention and you want to pretend like you're some significant individual and your rights are so important to everybody

here's a hint nobody gives a shit and you're a loser

if you can't take two days off for ONE TIME, and only ONE TIME in your ENTIRE LIFE IN TORONTO, and you somehow feel entitled to TWO DAYS out of TWENTY PLUS YEARS, because the fact is some heavy shit is going on around you, you're either a fucking moron or you're looking for attention

so are you retarded or are you such a loser you need to seek attention any way society will give it to you

up 2 u bro

dude, some people don't have the option of taking 2 days off. It's called a job, if you have to work you have to work, or you lose that job

it's called the real world, jackass

jesus, are you really this sheltered? you seriously think everyone in Toronto should have just hidden in their homes for 2 days?
obibun ur really being limited here d00d groove 1 of cooler down to earth ppl on tw and he's right about the g20 has u lived it ud feel the same way but instaed ur stuck in some terrible black and white view of it