[BREAKING] Connecticut School District Locked Down on Shooting Report

ffs, the biggest problem is stupidity, we as a species are freaking...

conceited, egoistic, egoistical, egomaniacal, egotistic, egotistical, individualist, individualistic, megalomaniac, narcissistic, pompous, self-absorbed, self-centered, self-concerned, self-indulgent, self-interested, self-loving, self-serving, selfish, stuck-up, vainglorious, wrapped up in oneself assholes.

Eradicate stupidity, take care of the mentally deranged and shit like this shooting and this thread wouldn't happen.

yeah, I copy pasted and it's in alphabetical order, deal with it.

we've always been those things

the only problem is recently people have gotten the notion that we're not
i'm pretty active in my local community and local government. the level of supidity erupting from this incident is so disheartening. but more than that, get the fucking media out of my fucking community!! stop exploiting the tragedy you fucking vultures. it always bothered me during 9/11 when people who resented NYC and had never been there their whole lives suddenly started making that shit about them. the same shit applies here. you are not here. you are not involved. you are a victim of the media telling you what you should feel bad about. yes, it's terrible -- but you don't know shit about this area or these people so back the fuck out and for the love of GOD don't try and make this something you use to push your stupid poltical agenda. So many people are eager to talk out of their ass while their only real exposure to this incident is saturation exposure from TV and internet media. what a misterable, bandwagon culture.

Yep, the sad reality is that this situation and others like it are going to be exploited more and more for political agendas that are not popular otherwise. The politicians and their media lackeys are preying on the fact that we are becoming a nation of demagogues, looking to rally around emotional causes rather that pausing and waiting for calmer and cooler heads to prevail. This is not unintentional, as Rahm Emanuel said "never let a serious crisis go to waste." The same thing happened with the Treyvon Martin tragedy as the public was easily goaded into racial strife sparked by fraudulent media reports, and worst of all after 9/11 when most of the country was deceived into the support of neoconservative policies in the middle east and domestically(such as the Patriot Act, etc) by emotion and fear manufactured by the Bush admin(WMDs, terrorists among us, etc). Now we have to relive and obsess over these tragedies in every bloody detail for days and weeks, despite the fact that its statistically meaningless in the grand scheme of things and equally horrifying shit is happening around the country every day--and the same government sociopaths that want you to give up your guns are responsible for much, much worse in the middle east.
interesting research article about gun homicides in america vs europe

spoiler: estonia, which Hansel mentioned earlier, has a higher murder rate than the US (lol)


My point was that there are no school/mall shootings in Estonia. It is mainly criminals killing each other. There are many illegal guns in Estonia, but somehow these do not end up in the hands of the lunatics who are capable of killing normal civilians or children. These criminals are not interested in ruining their businesses by slaughtering innocent people.

Getting rid of the criminal underbelly of the post-soviet countries is a different matter that won't be fixed by giving civilians a legal access to guns, as I'm sure some of you would suggest.

Also, should US ban assault rifles etc, I would not call that a knee jerk reaction, as there already is a long list of similar incidents.
My point was that there are no school/mall shootings in Estonia. It is mainly criminals killing each other. There are many illegal guns in Estonia, but somehow these do not end up in the hands of the lunatics who are capable of killing normal civilians or children. These criminals are not interested in ruining their businesses by slaughtering innocent people.

Getting rid of the criminal underbelly of the post-soviet countries is a different matter that won't be fixed by giving civilians a legal access to guns, as I'm sure some of you would suggest.

Also, should US ban assault rifles etc, I would not call that a knee jerk reaction, as there already is a long list of similar incidents.

Looks to me like there are Mass Murders all over the world.

List of rampage killers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They even attack kindergartens in China as well:

The Shiguan kindergarten attack occurred at a kindergarten in Shiguan village in Gongyi, Henan, People's Republic of China on May 8, 2006. At about 9 a.m. that morning 18-year-old Bai Ningyang entered a classroom on the second floor of the kindergarten, which was reported to have been run illegally.[1] In there were 21 children and a female teacher, who, according to locals, had rejected his advances. Threatening them with a knife, Bai forced the whole class to the back of the room. He then locked the door and poured gasoline from two bottles on the floor. Before setting it on fire and escaping he told one child, whose parents he knew, to leave. Two five-year-old children died at the scene, ten more succumbed to their wounds in hospital, and four others, as well as the teacher were injured.
Also, should US ban assault rifles etc, I would not call that a knee jerk reaction, as there already is a long list of similar incidents.

How many lives would banning 'assault rifles' save? If the Virginia Tech shooter can kill 32 people and wound 17 others with 2 handguns, it strikes me that the distinction between assault rifles and other guns in regards to mass killings is only political.
Being reprimanded after a quarrel with superiors, because his wife was forced to have an abortion after she became pregnant with her second child and died in the procedure, Lt. Tian, 31, armed himself with a Type 81 assault rifle and began shooting, killing five soldiers and officers, including the Communist Party political commissar of the camp, and injured at least ten more, before he fled the military base in Tongxian County. While his fellow soldiers were ordered to change into civilian clothing in order to not disturb the public when searching for the deserter, Tian hijacked a jeep and headed towards Beijing. Arriving in Tiananmen Square at 7:20 am, he jumped out, started shooting people at random and also riddled a passing bus with bullets. Seventeen people were killed, among them Iranian diplomat Yousef Mohammadi Pishknari and his son. Dozens were injured on his trail towards Jianguomen, while police desperately tried to apprehend him. Eventually Lt. Tian was besieged at Yabao Road and heavy police fire forced him to flee into a dead end, where he was killed by a sniper.
The best thing that could happen right now for the families of everyone effected in Newtown is for news crews to leave the town, they are not helping anyone right now, they're an unnecessary obstacle for everyone involved. Nobody who lives there wants them there. When the cameras arrive, they bring all the scum of the earth with them who are seeking attention.
Right. I own 2 "assault weapons" and have absolutely no good reason to have them. I got em because I was in the army and dig guns. Some guys I work with are going nuts already buying shit cause Obama gonna ban them, and that was before today. Most I wouldn't trust with a .22 revolver. No knowledge of shooting or gun safety, but they got m4's with rail mounts and hundreds of rounds of ammo.

It is actually pretty damn scary the amount of them out there laying around. Again, with no real use for them. Do any of you 2nd amendment nuts really believe that this nation of pussies and brainwashed sheep would REALLY try to resist the government with arms? We already live in a police state. You already lost.

If we ARE gonna do something we aren't going to talk about it on the internet.
Serious militias do exist but struggle mostly to keep the feds from infiltration of a group that thousands of members strong in some cases. Its hard to resist when you are living inside of a system that is grinding you down every chance it gets. And the FEDs arrest the leaders or try to on trumped up weapons charges.
Oh look at that, the "truther" troll came out of it's hole again. :rolleyes:

[BREAKING] Connecticut... 12-16-2012 06:20 AM Pagy so fucking stupid
Ron Paul - The Movie 12-09-2012 03:45 AM Pagy wot about wtc7
NDAA critic stranded in... 10-19-2012 03:19 AM Pagy so fucking stupid
Terror attack against... 10-18-2012 01:13 AM Pagy so fucking stupid
Happy Birthday, Neil... 10-06-2012 07:35 AM Pagy what happened to wtc7
Massachusetts chemist... 09-30-2012 05:42 PM Pagy what about wtc7????
[Conspiracy][WTC] 6 Min... 09-17-2012 03:20 PM Pagy so fucking stupid

You're so fucking pathetic :lol: Don't you ever get bored with that shit?
why does rep make u mad bro? did rep knock down wtc7 or something
you're such a pathetic faggot :lol:
The best thing that could happen right now for the families of everyone effected in Newtown is for news crews to leave the town, they are not helping anyone right now, they're an unnecessary obstacle for everyone involved. Nobody who lives there wants them there. When the cameras arrive, they bring all the scum of the earth with them who are seeking attention.

obama is going to newtown

so it's just going to get worse